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Linienfolger ohne MP: Es sollte doch nur ein Herbie werden

I have been following this thread via Google Translator and I myself tried out this simple but impressive robot, but it turned out so well as one out of two motor is running continuously after giving supply while the other remains steady.
Also, I couldn't figure it out whether the IR pair is actually doing something or not as the motor is moving continuously.
It will be very grateful of all you experts especially Searcher, if you can enlighten me...
i do have attached my circuit diagram as well as PCB layout so that you can show me my mistakes...
Thanks in advance!!
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  1. Avatar von Searcher
    Hi shantanushiv,
    I think the problem are your sensors labeled with sm3800. What type is it? I could not find a datasheet to it.

    The circuit I used and modified is from here: http://www.beam-wiki.org/wiki/Herbie_line_follower

    I used SFH205F IR-Photodiodes as sensors. SFH203FA or others should also work. My Trimpot is 50kOhm. Try also 100kOhm. You should also play with different resistors instead of the bridge between Pin 1 and 8 of the LM368. It makes the response of the follower more or less sensitive.

    But first of all find suitable IR-Photodiodes.

    Best regards

fchao-Sinus-Wechselrichter AliExpress