Microsoft Robotics Studio CTP
Microsoft Robotics Studio CTP Now Available
The world for hobbyist and enthusiast developers just got a little more interesting today with the announcement that Microsoft's getting into robotics. Robotics Studio is a development tool designed to provide a uniform and consistent way to program robots including a visual design surface to model robotics programming whether your need is for work, (like Kuka's industrial robots) or for fun (like the Lego NXT). The programming model uses the concurrency and coordination runtime (CCR) and you can program robots in VB, C#, C++, or even browser JavaScript.
Hat damit schonmal jemand was gemacht? Braucher leider WinXp, weshalb ich es momentan nicht installieren kann.
Klingt ja ganz gut:
The Microsoft Robotics Studio delivers three areas of software:
1. A scalable, extensible runtime architecture that can span a wide variety of hardware and devices. The programming interface can be used to address robots using 8-bit or 16-bit processors as well as 32-bit systems with multi-core processors and devices from simple touch sensors to laser distance finding devices.
2. A set of useful tools that make programming and debugging robot applications scenarios easier. These include a high quality visual simulation environment that uses the Ageia Technologies™ PhysX™ engine.
3. A set of useful technology libraries services samples to help developers get started with writing robot applications.
Hier die offizielle Seite wo es auch den Download gibt:
Un hier ein einstündiges! Video: