Energie Lösungen
Habe da etwas gefunden, was ich interessant finde.
Regulating Voltage to a Servo
As you should already know, servos have a voltage rating. Go above that voltage and your servo overheats and possibly fries. So suppose you have a 7.2V battery and you want to use a 5V regulator to power your servos, is that a good idea?
Short answer: No!
Longer answer . . . it will work, but its a huge waste of battery power.
So lets say you have your 7.2V regulated to 5V and the servos draw a total of 1.5A of current.
Wasted power is:
(7.2V-5V)*1.5A = 3.3W
Percentage wise, its
(7.2V-5V)/7.2V = 30.6%
Thats the battery energy percentage wasted to thermal heat - almost 1/3rd!!!
Speaking of heat, your voltage regulator probably has thermal shutdown, meaning that if it overheats it will throttle down current to your servos - meaning your servos will have lower torque and lower speed. If your voltage regulator doesn't have thermal shutdown, it will just fry instead (not a good thing).
But if you still really really need to regulate for servos, get a switching regulator (like ~83% efficiency on average).
Habe jedoch Bedenken die Methode aus zu probieren.
hat jemand für den RP6 schon ne Ladestation gebaut ?
In dem Beitrag wird doch nur der Vorteil von Schaltreglern gegenüber Längsreglern (wie dem 780x) betont! Das ist nichts Neues und lange bekannt.
Gruß Dirk
man kann aber auch die "schnelle" Variante verwenden, um die Spannung zu reduzieren: einfach zwei Dioden in Serie schalten (die den Strom natürlich aushalten!), und schon ist die Spannung um 1V vermindert. Die Wärmeverluste sind dabei auch noch recht gering.
Viele Grüße