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Touchscreen Ansteuerung 192x64 Display
Nach dem sich die mechanischen arbeiten an meinem Robby dem Ende nähern hab ich begonnen mit dem Display rumzuspielen.
Hab mir dieses Display geholt
und im Prinzip so wie auf dem Bild angeschlossen, allerdings auf nem C-Control Pro Application Board (was anderes hab ich momentan nicht).
Text, Linien und Grafiken anzeigen funktioniert super, nur die Auswertung des Touchscreens funktioniert garnicht.
Ich hab mir nen Code aus dem Forum hier angepasst - aber das einzige was auf dem Display dann zu sehen ist, ist Pixelmüll.
$regfile = "m128def.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 14745600 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space
$lib "glcdKS108-192x64.lib"
Wait 2
'First we define that we use a graphic LCD
Config Graphlcd = 192 * 64sed , Dataport = Porta , Controlport = Portc , Ce = 0 , Ce2 = 1 , Ce3 = 2 , Cd = 3 , Rd = 4 , Enable = 5 , Reset = 6 , Mode = 8
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = Internal
Dim X As Word , Y As Word
Dim X2 As Single , Y2 As Single
Dim X3 As Single , Y3 As Single
Dim X4 As Byte , Y4 As Byte
Start Adc
'Cursor Off
Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd "KS108 mit Touchscreen an ATMega128"
Locate 3 , 1
Lcd "Y-Koordinate analog: "
Locate 4 , 1
Lcd "X-Koordinate analog: "
Gosub Readtouch
Locate 3 , 22
Lcd Y ; " "
Locate 4 , 22
Lcd X ; " "
If Y > 330 Then
Y3 = Y - 346
Y2 = Y3 / 2.89
Y4 = Y2
Y4 = 0
End If
If X > 150 Then
X3 = X - 160
X2 = X3 / 2.78
X4 = X2
X4 = 0
End If
Locate 5 , 1
Lcd X4 ; " "
Locate 6 , 1
Lcd Y4 ; " "
Pset X4 , Y4 , 255
Config Pinf.0 = Output ' Makes port F.0 output
Config Pinf.2 = Output ' Makes port F.0 output
Set Portf.0 ' Sets port F.0 High
Reset Portf.2 ' Sets port F.2 Low
Ddrf.1 = 0 ' Sets port F.1 as input
Ddrf.3 = 0 ' Sets port F.1 as input because we need it now as ad input
Waitms 20 ' Wait until the port is stable
Y = Getadc(3) ' Read the ad value for the y
Y = 1024 - Y ' Invert the reading
Config Pinf.1 = Output ' Makes port F.1 output
Config Pinf.3 = Output ' Makes port F.3 output
Reset Portf.3 ' Sets port F.3 Low
Set Portf.1 ' Sets port F.1 High
Ddrf.0 = 0 ' Sets port F.0 as input
Ddrf.2 = 0 ' Sets port F.2 as input because we need it now as ad input
Waitms 20 ' Wait until the port is stable
X = Getadc(2) ' Read the ad value for the x
X = 1024 - X ' Invert the reading
Alls Einsteiger in Bascom und der ganzen µC Thematik stehts bei mir jetzt so ziemlich an - noch dazu weil das Programm ohne Fehler compiliert wird.
Hab mich schon durchs Forum gegraben aber nicht so wirklich was gefunden - wo hab ich da Fehler drin?
Liste der Anhänge anzeigen (Anzahl: 2)
X/Y konnte ich herausfinden. So weit läuft es mal - allerdings bekomme ich Y Werte nur auf der unteren Displayhälfte und X Werte nur auf der rechten Displayhälfte.
Hier mein Testcode:
$regfile = "m128def.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 14745600 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space
$lib "glcdKS108-192x64.lib"
Wait 2
'First we define that we use a graphic LCD
Config Graphlcd = 192 * 64sed , Dataport = Porta , Controlport = Portc , Ce = 0 , Ce2 = 1 , Ce3 = 2 , Cd = 3 , Rd = 4 , Enable = 5 , Reset = 6 , Mode = 8
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = Internal
Dim X As Word , Y As Word
Dim X2 As Single , Y2 As Single
Dim X3 As Single , Y3 As Single
Dim X4 As Byte , Y4 As Byte
Declare Sub Readtouch()
Start Adc
'Cursor Off
Setfont Font5x5
Lcdat 1 , 1 , "KS108 mit Touch an Mega128"
Lcdat 3 , 1 , "Y analog: "
Lcdat 4 , 1 , "X analog: "
Gosub Readtouch
Lcdat 3 , 47 , Y ; " "
Lcdat 4 , 47 , X ; " "
Sub Readtouch()
Config Pinf.0 = Output ' Makes port F.0 output
Config Pinf.2 = Output ' Makes port F.0 output
Set Portf.0 ' Sets port F.0 High
Reset Portf.2 ' Sets port F.2 Low
Ddrf.1 = 0 ' Sets port F.1 as input
Ddrf.3 = 0 ' Sets port F.1 as input because we need it now as ad input
Waitms 20 ' Wait until the port is stable
Y = Getadc(3) ' Read the ad value for the y
Y = 1024 - Y ' Invert the reading
Config Pinf.1 = Output ' Makes port F.1 output
Config Pinf.3 = Output ' Makes port F.3 output
Reset Portf.1 ' Sets port F.1 Low
Set Portf.3 ' Sets port F.3 High
Ddrf.0 = 0 ' Sets port F.0 as input
Ddrf.2 = 0 ' Sets port F.2 as input because we need it now as ad input
Waitms 20 ' Wait until the port is stable
X = Getadc(2) ' Read the ad value for the x
X = 1024 - X ' Invert the reading
End Sub
$include "font5x5.font"