RP6Control M32: Conway's Game Of Life
Wenn der Motortreiber des RP6 mal heiss gelaufen ist, kann man auch ein Spielchen machen, bei dem der RP6 nicht rumfährt.
Das "Game Of Life" von 1970 ist eine einfache Simulation von Zellwachstum.
Siehe: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conways_Spiel_des_Lebens
Das Programm zeigt das "Spielfeld" im Terminalfenster des RP6Loaders.
Bei jedem Schritt (jede Sekunde) entsteht die nächste Generation von Zellen.
Anfangs kann man Zellen "aussähen". Dafür gibt es 7 Funktionen mit Anfangsmustern, von denen man sich im Quelltext eine aussuchen kann,- man kann aber auch eigene Muster ergänzen.
Viel Spaß!
* ****************************************************************************
* ****************************************************************************
* Example: Game Of Life
* Author(s): Dirk
* ****************************************************************************
* Description:
* This program for RP6 Control simulates J. H. Conway's "Game Of Life". The
* universe of the Game of Life is an infinite two-dimensional orthogonal grid
* of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, live or
* dead. Every cell interacts with its eight neighbours, which are the cells
* that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent. At each step in
* time, the following transitions occur:
* 1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by
* under-population.
* 2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next
* generation.
* 3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by
* overcrowding.
* 4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as
* if by reproduction.
* The initial pattern constitutes the seed of the system. The first generation
* is created by applying the above rules simultaneously to every cell in the
* seed—births and deaths occur simultaneously, and the discrete moment at
* which this happens is sometimes called a tick (in other words, each
* generation is a pure function of the preceding one). The rules continue to
* be applied repeatedly to create further generations.
* You will find further information here:
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life
* ############################################################################
* The Robot does NOT move in this example! You can simply put it on a table
* next to your PC and you should connect it to the PC via the USB Interface!
* ############################################################################
* ****************************************************************************
// Includes:
#include "RP6ControlLib.h" // The RP6 Control Library.
// Always needs to be included!
// Defines:
#define GRID_WIDTH 41 // Grid width
#define GRID_HEIGHT 21 // Grid height
#define STEPPING 1000 // New generation every 1000ms
// Variables:
uint8_t grid_actual[GRID_WIDTH][GRID_HEIGHT]; // Actual grid
uint8_t grid_backup[GRID_WIDTH][GRID_HEIGHT]; // Backup grid
uint8_t x; // Width index
uint8_t y; // Height index
// Functions:
* Initial pattern: Simple cell cluster 3x3 in the middle
void seedCluster(void)
grid_actual[19][9] = 1; // XXX
grid_actual[19][10] = 1; // XXX
grid_actual[19][11] = 1; // XXX
grid_actual[20][9] = 1;
grid_actual[20][10] = 1;
grid_actual[20][11] = 1;
grid_actual[21][9] = 1;
grid_actual[21][10] = 1;
grid_actual[21][11] = 1;
* Initial pattern: Still lives (Block, Beehive, Loaf, Boat)
void seedStillLives(void)
// Block:
grid_actual[10][5] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[11][5] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[10][6] = 1;
grid_actual[11][6] = 1;
// Beehive:
grid_actual[30][4] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[31][4] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[29][5] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[32][5] = 1;
grid_actual[30][6] = 1;
grid_actual[31][6] = 1;
// Loaf:
grid_actual[10][14] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[11][14] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[9][15] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[12][15] = 1; // X
grid_actual[10][16] = 1;
grid_actual[12][16] = 1;
grid_actual[11][17] = 1;
// Boat:
grid_actual[29][14] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[30][14] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[29][15] = 1; // X
grid_actual[31][15] = 1;
grid_actual[30][16] = 1;
* Initial pattern: Oscillators (Blinker, Toad, Beacon, Pulsar)
void seedOscillators(void)
// Blinker:
grid_actual[4][5] = 1; // XXX
grid_actual[5][5] = 1;
grid_actual[6][5] = 1;
// Toad:
grid_actual[35][5] = 1; // XXX
grid_actual[36][5] = 1; // XXX
grid_actual[37][5] = 1;
grid_actual[34][6] = 1;
grid_actual[35][6] = 1;
grid_actual[36][6] = 1;
// Beacon:
grid_actual[5][14] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[6][14] = 1; // X
grid_actual[5][15] = 1; // X
grid_actual[8][16] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[7][17] = 1;
grid_actual[8][17] = 1;
// Pulsar:
grid_actual[17][3] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[23][3] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[17][4] = 1; // XX XX
grid_actual[23][4] = 1; //
grid_actual[17][5] = 1; // XXX XX XX XXX
grid_actual[18][5] = 1; // X X X X X X
grid_actual[22][5] = 1; // XX XX
grid_actual[23][5] = 1; //
grid_actual[13][7] = 1; // XX XX
grid_actual[14][7] = 1; // X X X X X X
grid_actual[15][7] = 1; // XXX XX XX XXX
grid_actual[18][7] = 1; //
grid_actual[19][7] = 1; // XX XX
grid_actual[21][7] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[22][7] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[25][7] = 1;
grid_actual[26][7] = 1;
grid_actual[27][7] = 1;
grid_actual[15][8] = 1;
grid_actual[17][8] = 1;
grid_actual[19][8] = 1;
grid_actual[21][8] = 1;
grid_actual[23][8] = 1;
grid_actual[25][8] = 1;
grid_actual[17][9] = 1;
grid_actual[18][9] = 1;
grid_actual[22][9] = 1;
grid_actual[23][9] = 1;
grid_actual[17][11] = 1;
grid_actual[18][11] = 1;
grid_actual[22][11] = 1;
grid_actual[23][11] = 1;
grid_actual[15][12] = 1;
grid_actual[17][12] = 1;
grid_actual[19][12] = 1;
grid_actual[21][12] = 1;
grid_actual[23][12] = 1;
grid_actual[25][12] = 1;
grid_actual[13][13] = 1;
grid_actual[14][13] = 1;
grid_actual[15][13] = 1;
grid_actual[18][13] = 1;
grid_actual[19][13] = 1;
grid_actual[21][13] = 1;
grid_actual[22][13] = 1;
grid_actual[25][13] = 1;
grid_actual[26][13] = 1;
grid_actual[27][13] = 1;
grid_actual[17][15] = 1;
grid_actual[18][15] = 1;
grid_actual[22][15] = 1;
grid_actual[23][15] = 1;
grid_actual[17][16] = 1;
grid_actual[23][16] = 1;
grid_actual[17][17] = 1;
grid_actual[23][17] = 1;
* Initial pattern: Spaceships (Glider, LWSS)
void seedSpaceships(void)
// Glider:
grid_actual[10][4] = 1; // X
grid_actual[11][5] = 1; // X
grid_actual[9][6] = 1; // XXX
grid_actual[10][6] = 1;
grid_actual[11][6] = 1;
// Lightweight spaceship (LWSS):
grid_actual[27][4] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[30][4] = 1; // X
grid_actual[31][5] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[27][6] = 1; // XXXX
grid_actual[31][6] = 1;
grid_actual[28][7] = 1;
grid_actual[29][7] = 1;
grid_actual[30][7] = 1;
grid_actual[31][7] = 1;
* Initial pattern: Gosper glider gun
void seedGuns(void)
grid_actual[26][3] = 1; // X
grid_actual[24][4] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[26][4] = 1; // XX XX XX
grid_actual[14][5] = 1; // X X XX XX
grid_actual[15][5] = 1; // XX X X XX
grid_actual[22][5] = 1; // XX X X XX X X
grid_actual[23][5] = 1; // X X X
grid_actual[36][5] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[37][5] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[13][6] = 1;
grid_actual[17][6] = 1;
grid_actual[22][6] = 1;
grid_actual[23][6] = 1;
grid_actual[36][6] = 1;
grid_actual[37][6] = 1;
grid_actual[2][7] = 1;
grid_actual[3][7] = 1;
grid_actual[12][7] = 1;
grid_actual[18][7] = 1;
grid_actual[22][7] = 1;
grid_actual[23][7] = 1;
grid_actual[2][8] = 1;
grid_actual[3][8] = 1;
grid_actual[12][8] = 1;
grid_actual[16][8] = 1;
grid_actual[18][8] = 1;
grid_actual[19][8] = 1;
grid_actual[24][8] = 1;
grid_actual[26][8] = 1;
grid_actual[12][9] = 1;
grid_actual[18][9] = 1;
grid_actual[26][9] = 1;
grid_actual[13][10] = 1;
grid_actual[17][10] = 1;
grid_actual[14][11] = 1;
grid_actual[15][11] = 1;
* Initial pattern: Methusalahs (F-pentomino, Diehard, Acorn)
void seedMethusalahs(void)
// F-pentomino:
grid_actual[10][4] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[11][4] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[9][5] = 1; // X
grid_actual[10][5] = 1;
grid_actual[10][6] = 1;
// Diehard:
grid_actual[33][4] = 1; // X
grid_actual[27][5] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[28][5] = 1; // X XXX
grid_actual[28][6] = 1;
grid_actual[32][6] = 1;
grid_actual[33][6] = 1;
grid_actual[34][6] = 1;
// Acorn:
grid_actual[9][14] = 1; // X
grid_actual[11][15] = 1; // X
grid_actual[8][16] = 1; // XX XXX
grid_actual[9][16] = 1;
grid_actual[12][16] = 1;
grid_actual[13][16] = 1;
grid_actual[14][16] = 1;
* Initial pattern: Infinite Growth
void seedInfiniteGrowth(void)
// 10 cells:
grid_actual[13][4] = 1; // X
grid_actual[11][5] = 1; // X XX
grid_actual[13][5] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[14][5] = 1; // X
grid_actual[11][6] = 1; // X
grid_actual[13][6] = 1; // X X
grid_actual[11][7] = 1;
grid_actual[9][8] = 1;
grid_actual[7][9] = 1;
grid_actual[9][9] = 1;
// 5x5 square:
grid_actual[28][4] = 1; // XXX X
grid_actual[29][4] = 1; // X
grid_actual[30][4] = 1; // XX
grid_actual[32][4] = 1; // XX X
grid_actual[28][5] = 1; // X X X
grid_actual[31][6] = 1;
grid_actual[32][6] = 1;
grid_actual[29][7] = 1;
grid_actual[30][7] = 1;
grid_actual[32][7] = 1;
grid_actual[28][8] = 1;
grid_actual[30][8] = 1;
grid_actual[32][8] = 1;
// One cell high:
grid_actual[1][15] = 1; // XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXXXX XXXXX
grid_actual[2][15] = 1;
grid_actual[3][15] = 1;
grid_actual[4][15] = 1;
grid_actual[5][15] = 1;
grid_actual[6][15] = 1;
grid_actual[7][15] = 1;
grid_actual[8][15] = 1;
grid_actual[10][15] = 1;
grid_actual[11][15] = 1;
grid_actual[12][15] = 1;
grid_actual[13][15] = 1;
grid_actual[14][15] = 1;
grid_actual[18][15] = 1;
grid_actual[19][15] = 1;
grid_actual[20][15] = 1;
grid_actual[27][15] = 1;
grid_actual[28][15] = 1;
grid_actual[29][15] = 1;
grid_actual[30][15] = 1;
grid_actual[31][15] = 1;
grid_actual[32][15] = 1;
grid_actual[33][15] = 1;
grid_actual[35][15] = 1;
grid_actual[36][15] = 1;
grid_actual[37][15] = 1;
grid_actual[38][15] = 1;
grid_actual[39][15] = 1;
* This function calculates the next generation.
void tick(void)
// Copy actual to backup grid:
for (x = 0; x < GRID_WIDTH; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < GRID_HEIGHT; y++) {
grid_backup[x][y] = grid_actual[x][y];
// Calculate next generation:
for (x = 1; x < (GRID_WIDTH - 1); x++) {
for (y = 1; y < (GRID_HEIGHT - 1); y++) {
// Calculate number of neighbours:
uint8_t cnt = 0;
cnt = cnt + grid_backup[x - 1][y - 1] + grid_backup[x][y - 1]
+ grid_backup[x + 1][y - 1];
cnt = cnt + grid_backup[x - 1][y] + grid_backup[x + 1][y];
cnt = cnt + grid_backup[x - 1][y + 1] + grid_backup[x][y + 1]
+ grid_backup[x + 1][y + 1];
// Calculate transitions:
// 1. Under-Population:
if (cnt < 2) {
grid_actual[x][y] = 0; // Cell dies
// 2. Stay alive: cnt = 2..3: Cell survives
// Nothing to do ...
// 3. Overcrowding:
if (cnt > 3) {
grid_actual[x][y] = 0; // Cell dies
// 4. Reproduction:
if (cnt == 3) {
grid_actual[x][y] = 1; // New cell born
* This function shows the actual generation.
void showGrid(void)
for (y = 0; y < GRID_HEIGHT; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < GRID_WIDTH; x++) {
if (grid_actual[x][y] == 1) {
// Show a live cell (Q):
writeString_P("Q ");
else {
// Show a dead cell (~):
writeString_P("~ ");
// Main function - The program starts here:
int main(void)
initRP6Control(); // Always call this first! The Processor will not work
// correctly otherwise.
initLCD(); // Initialize the LC-Display (LCD)
// Always call this before using the LCD!
// Write some text messages to the UART - just like on RP6Base:
writeString_P("\n\n _______________________\n");
writeString_P(" \\| RP6 ROBOT SYSTEM |/\n");
writeString_P(" \\_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/\n\n");
writeString_P("Game Of Life for RP6 CONTROL!\n");
// Set the four Status LEDs:
showScreenLCD("################", "################");
showScreenLCD("<<RP6 Control>>", "<<LC - DISPLAY>>");
showScreenLCD(" J. H. Conway's ", " Game Of Life ");
clearLCD(); // Clear the whole LCD Screen
// Play four sounds with the Piezo Beeper on the RP6Control:
sound(Tone_Cis2, 300, 200);
sound(Tone_Fis2, 200, 100);
sound(Tone_Ais2, 100, 100);
sound(Tone_Dis3, 50, 100);
startStopwatch1(); // Used for stepping speed
// Set grid with the initial pattern (seed):
// (Activate only ONE of the following 7 functions!)
seedCluster(); // Cluster 3x3
//seedStillLives(); // Still lives
//seedOscillators(); // Oscillators
//seedSpaceships(); // Spaceships
//seedGuns(); // Guns
//seedMethusalahs(); // Methusalahs
//seedInfiniteGrowth(); // Infinite growth
showGrid(); // Show the initial generation
mSleep(5000); // Wait 5s
if (getStopwatch1() > STEPPING) {
tick(); // Calculate the next generation
showGrid(); // Show the actual generation
return 0;
* Additional info
* ****************************************************************************
* Changelog:
* - v. 1.0 (initial release) 29.04.2011 by Dirk
* ****************************************************************************