First release of rp6simul, a simulator for the RP6 and m32
Hello all,
Although AREXX has an official forum, I figured posting this here as well made sense because the majority of the RP6 community seem to hang out in this place. Although I live next to Germany, my German is not in a very good shape, so I hope everyone excuses my use of English on this forum...
The past few months I have been busy with creating a simulator for the RP6 robot. The simulator is open source (GPL), cross-plaftorm (Windows and Linux binaries are provided) and both the RP6 and its m32 extension board can be simulated either independently or simultaneously. The simulator is especially useful if you want to debug or test your robot code, but also presents a nice 'soft' alternative when for instance your batteries ran out again, or you want to test-drive before acquiring the robot.
Although this is the first release, it is already contains many features. Most importantly, all the peripherals found on the RP6 and m32 (sensors, ADC devices, timers, motors, TWI, etc) are supported. The simulator itself is written in C++ and uses Qt extensively to provide a nice cross-platform interface with a system native look. Besides easy access to the robot state (sensor data, IO registers, etc), the simulator interface also provides a simple two-dimensional environment in which the robot can move and interact with obstacles and lighting.
So if you are interested, please visit the project homepage:
A more detailed description can be found on the about page:
And, finally some screenshots :)
Robot status overview
Two-dimensional simulation environment
m32 simulation
AN ALLE DIE HIER MITLESEN: -Rick- spricht besser englisch als deutsch. Trotzdem könnt ihr auf deutsch antworten, -Rick- wird sein bestes geben eure Antworten zu verstehen und wird dann auf englisch versuchen, euch zu helfen.
damaltor, 13.01.2012