Raspi mit Arduino per USB verbinden
wie angekündigt... @mxt u.a.:
wie gesagt, das mit USB musst du mir mal erklären...
Bisher verwende ich diesen UART-Verbindungscode, es wäre genial, wenn ich den von UART-Ports auf USB umswitchen könnte...
/* Tx master
* Raspberry Pi
ver 0006.3
// (C) Helmut Wunder (HaWe) 2015
// freie Verwendung für private Zwecke
// für kommerzielle Zwecke nur nach Genehmigung durch den Autor.
// Programming language: gcc C/C++, Geany IDE
// protected under the friendly Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "VG/openvg.h"
#include "VG/vgu.h"
#include "fontinfo.h"
#include "shapes.h"
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <wiringSerial.h>
#define byte uint8_t
char * uart = "/dev/ttyAMA0";
int Serial1;
// timer
// millis() and micros() by wiringPi lib!
// openvg + shapes_plus
int _scrwidth_, _scrheight_;
#define vgHidewindow HideWindow
#define vgShowwindow End
#define vgcls() ClearWindowRGB(_scrwidth_, _scrheight_, 0, 0, 0);
#define vgStart Start
#define vgInit init
#define vgCleanup finish
#define vgFonttype Fontinfo
int _fontsize_ = 10;
Fontinfo _font_ = MonoTypeface;
inline void setfontsize(int size) { _fontsize_ = size; }
inline void setfonttype(Fontinfo myfont) { _font_ = myfont; }
inline void lcdprintxytop(float x, float y, char * buf) {
Text(x, _scrheight_-y, buf, _font_ , _fontsize_);
inline void lcdprintxy(float x, float y, char * buf) {
Text(x, y, buf, _font_ , _fontsize_);
void vgInitgraph() {
vgInit(& _scrwidth_, & _scrheight_); // Graphics initialization
vgStart(_scrwidth_, _scrheight_); // Start the picture
Stroke(255, 255, 255, 1); // Set these at the start, no need to
Fill(255,255,255, 1); // keep calling them if colour hasn't changed
// debug monitor
void displayvalues(int line, char * caption, uint8_t array[]) {
int cnt;
char sbuf[128];
sprintf(sbuf, "%s cks=%-4d", caption, array[1]);
//lcdprintxy(0, line, sbuf);
printf(sbuf); printf("\n");
for(cnt=0; cnt<8; ++cnt) {
sprintf(sbuf, "%3d ", array[cnt]); // print on TFT
lcdprintxy(cnt*3*8, line+10, sbuf);
// serial com
const uint8_t MSGSIZE=32;
uint8_t bsync=255;
uint8_t sendbuf[MSGSIZE];
uint8_t recvbuf[MSGSIZE];
uint8_t calcchecksum(uint8_t array[]) {
int32_t sum=0;
for(int i=2; i<MSGSIZE; ++i) sum+=(array[i]);
return (sum & 0x00ff);
bool checksumOK(uint8_t array[]){
return (calcchecksum(array)==array[1]);
// ================================================================
// addToBuffer and receive function courtesy of chucktodd
bool addToBuffer( uint8_t buf[], uint8_t *cnt, uint16_t timeout){
bool inSync = *cnt>0;
unsigned long start=millis();
if( serialDataAvail( Serial1 ) ) { // grab new char, test for sync char, if so start adding to buffer
buf[*cnt] = (uint8_t)serialGetchar( Serial1 );
if(inSync) *cnt += 1; // my origional *cnt++ was updating the pointer address, not
// the pointed to sendbuffer
inSync = true;
*cnt +=1;
return (*cnt==MSGSIZE);
bool receive(uint8_t * buf, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t *cnt){ // by passing cnt in and out,
// i can timeout and still save a partial buffer, so a resync costs less (less data lost)
bool inSync=false;
unsigned long start=millis();
uint8_t * p; // pointer into buf for reSync operation
bool done=false;
done = addToBuffer(buf,cnt,timeout); // if this return false, a timeout has occured, and the while will exit.
if(done){ // do checksumOK test of buffer;
if(!done){ // checksumOK failed, scan buffer for next sync char
p = (uint8_t*)memchr((buf+1),0xff,(MSGSIZE-1)); //forgot to skip the current sync at 0
if(p){ // found next sync char, shift buffer content, refill buffer
*cnt = MSGSIZE -(p-buf); // count of characters to salvage from this failure
memcpy(buf,p,*cnt); //cnt is now where the next character from Serial is stored!
else *cnt=0; // whole buffer is garbage
} while(!done&&(millis()-start<timeout));
return done; // if done then buf[] contains a sendbufid buffer, else a timeout occurred
void loop()
char sbuf[128], resOK;
static uint8_t cnt=0;
uint8_t cbuf[MSGSIZE], chk;
// send to Rx slave Arduino
for(uint8_t i=0; i<MSGSIZE; i++) { // better use write() ?
serialPutchar( Serial1, sendbuf[i]); // Send values to the Rx Arduino
//serialFlush( Serial1 ); // clear output buffer
//displayvalues(20, "Transmitted...: ", sendbuf);
sprintf(sbuf, "%4d %4d", sendbuf[4], sendbuf[6]);
//lcdprintxy(0, 20, sbuf);
printf(sbuf); printf("\n");
// Receive from Rx slave Arduino
memset(cbuf, 0, sizeof(cbuf));
resOK = receive ( cbuf, 10000,&cnt);
if( resOK ) { // byte 0 == syncbyte ?
//displayvalues(60, "Received...:", cbuf);
memcpy(recvbuf, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf));
// change values to send back!
memcpy(sendbuf, recvbuf, sizeof(sendbuf)); // copy inbuf to outbuf
sendbuf[4]+=1; // change [4] to send back
int main() {
unsigned long timesav;
char sbuf[128];
char instr[128];
printf("initializing..."); printf("\n");
// UART Serial com port
Serial1 = serialOpen (uart, 115200); // for Arduino code compatibility reasons
while(1) { loop(); }
serialClose( Serial1);
/* Rx slave
Arduino Due
ver 0006
IDE 1.6.5
// (C) Helmut Wunder (HaWe) 2015
// freie Verwendung für private Zwecke
// für kommerzielle Zwecke nur nach Genehmigung durch den Autor.
// Programming language: Arduino Sketch C/C++ (IDE 1.6.1 - 1.6.5)
// protected under the friendly Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <UTFTQD.h> // wie UTFT, aber gepatcht für ILI9225 China-TFT
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_ILI9340.h>
#define clock() millis()
#define UTFT_SmallFont 8 // UTFT 8x10
#define UTFT_MediumFont 12 // UTFT ++
#define UTFT_BigFont 18 // UTFT +++
#define _SmallFont_ 1 // 9341 6x9
#define _MediumFont_ 2 // 9341 12x16
#define _BigFont_ 3 // 9341 18x23
int16_t LCDmaxX , LCDmaxY ; // display size
int16_t _curx_, _cury_, // last x,y cursor pos on TFT screen
_maxx_, _maxy_; // max. x,y cursor pos on TFT screen
char wspace[128]; // line of white space
// set LCD TFT type
int16_t LCDTYPE = -1;
#define _LCD1602_ 1 // LCD1602 Hitachi HD44780 driver <LiquidCrystal.h>
// http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/LiquidCrystal //
#define _SERLCD_ 2 // Sparkfun serLCD 16x2
// http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/SerLCD //
#define _UTFT_ 4 // Henning Karlsen UTFT 2.2-2.4" 220x176 - 320x240 lib
// http://henningkarlsen.com/electronics/library.php?id=51 //
#define _ILI9341_ 8 // https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ILI9340
// https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library //
#define UTFT_cs 52 // <<<<<<<< adjust!
//UTFT qdUTFT(Model, SDA=MOSI, SCL, CS, RESET, RS) // Due: 3 exposed SS pins: 4,10,52
UTFT qdUTFT(QD220A, A2, A1, A5, A4, A3); // adjust model parameter and pins!
//UTFT qdUTFT(QD220A, 50, 49, UTFT_cs, 0, 51); // A0->Vc (LED), A4->BoardReset
extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
#define tft_cs 50
#define tft_dc 49
#define tft_rst 0
Adafruit_ILI9340 tft = Adafruit_ILI9340(tft_cs, tft_dc, tft_rst);
int16_t fontwi= 8; // default
int16_t fonthi=10; // default
void putfonttype(uint8_t fsize) {
if(LCDTYPE==_UTFT_) { fontwi= qdUTFT.getFontXsize(); fonthi=qdUTFT.getFontYsize(); }
if(fsize==_SmallFont_) { fontwi= 6; fonthi=9; } // 5x7 + overhead ?
if(fsize==_MediumFont_) { fontwi=12; fonthi=16; } // ?
if(fsize==_BigFont_) { fontwi=18; fonthi=23; } // ?
_maxx_ = LCDmaxX / fontwi; // max number of letters x>>
_maxy_ = LCDmaxY / fonthi; // max number of letters y^^
memset(wspace, ' ', _maxx_); // line of white space
void setlcdorient(int8_t orient) {
if(LCDTYPE==_ILI9341_) {
void lcdcls() {
if(LCDTYPE==_UTFT_) { qdUTFT.clrScr(); }
if(LCDTYPE==_ILI9341_) { tft.fillScreen(ILI9340_BLACK); }
_curx_ =0; _cury_ =0;
void curlf() {
if( _cury_ <=(LCDmaxY-10) ) _cury_+=fonthi;
else _cury_=0;
if(LCDTYPE==_ILI9341_) {tft.setCursor(0, _cury_); }
void curxy(int16_t x, int16_t y) {
_curx_ = x;
_cury_ = y;
if(LCDTYPE==_ILI9341_) {tft.setCursor(x, y); }
void lcdprintxy(int16_t x, int16_t y, char * str) {
if(LCDTYPE==_UTFT_) { qdUTFT.print(str,x,y); _curx_=x+strlen(str)*fontwi; _cury_=y; }
else if(LCDTYPE==_ILI9341_) {
tft.setCursor(x,y); tft.print(str);
_curx_=tft.getCursorX(); _cury_=tft.getCursorY();
void lcdprint(char * str) {
if(LCDTYPE==_UTFT_) { qdUTFT.print(str, _curx_, _cury_); _curx_=_curx_+strlen(str)*fontwi; }
else if(LCDTYPE==_ILI9341_) {
tft.setCursor(_curx_, _cury_); tft.print(str);
_curx_=tft.getCursorX(); _cury_=tft.getCursorY();
void initlcd(uint8_t orient) { // 0,2==Portrait 1,3==Landscape
if(LCDTYPE==_ILI9341_) {
const uint8_t MSGSIZE=32;
uint8_t bsync=255;
uint8_t sendbuf[MSGSIZE];
uint8_t recvbuf[MSGSIZE];
const uint32_t UARTclock = 115200;
void setup() {
char sbuf[128];
int32_t i=0;
// Serial
Serial.begin(115200); // USB terminal
Serial1.begin(UARTclock); // RX-TX UART
while(Serial1.available()) Serial1.read(); // clear output buffer
Serial.print("init LCD...");
Serial.println(" done."); lcdcls();
sprintf(sbuf, "LCD=%d wi%d x hi%d",LCDTYPE,LCDmaxX,LCDmaxY);
lcdcls(); lcdprint(sbuf);
sprintf(sbuf, "setup(): done.");
Serial.println(); Serial.println(sbuf);
curlf(); curlf(); lcdprint(sbuf);
sprintf(sbuf, "Rx slave, BAUD= %ld", UARTclock );;
lcdprintxy(0, 0, sbuf);
void displayvalues(int line, char * caption, uint8_t array[]) {
int cnt;
char sbuf[128];
sprintf(sbuf, "%s cks=%-4d", caption, array[1]);
lcdprintxy(0, line, sbuf);
for(cnt=0; cnt<8; ++cnt) {
sprintf(sbuf, "%3d ", array[cnt]); // print on TFT
lcdprintxy(cnt*3*8, line+10, sbuf);
//Serial.print(sbuf); // Print sendbufue to the Serial Monitor
// ================================================================
uint8_t calcchecksum(uint8_t array[]) {
int32_t sum=0;
for(int i=2; i<MSGSIZE; ++i) sum+=(array[i]);
return (sum & 0x00ff);
bool checksumOK(uint8_t array[]){
return (calcchecksum(array)==array[1]);
// ================================================================
// addToBuffer and receive function courtesy of chucktodd
bool addToBuffer( uint8_t buf[], uint8_t *cnt, uint16_t timeout){
bool inSync = *cnt>0;
unsigned long start=millis();
if(Serial1.available()){ // grab new char, test for sync char, if so start adding to buffer
buf[*cnt] = (uint8_t)Serial1.read();
if(inSync) *cnt += 1; // my origional *cnt++ was updating the pointer address, not
// the pointed to sendbufue
inSync = true;
*cnt +=1;
return (*cnt==MSGSIZE);
bool receive(uint8_t * buf, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t *cnt){ // by passing cnt in and out,
// i can timeout and still save a partial buffer, so a resync costs less (less data lost)
bool inSync=false;
unsigned long start=millis();
uint8_t * p; // pointer into buf for reSync operation
bool done=false;
done = addToBuffer(buf,cnt,timeout); // if this return false, a timeout has occured, and the while will exit.
if(done){ // do checksumOK test of buffer;
if(!done){// checksumOK failed, scan buffer for next sync char
p = (uint8_t*)memchr((buf+1),0xff,(MSGSIZE-1)); //forgot to skip the current sync at 0
if(p){ // found next sync char, shift buffer content, refill buffer
*cnt = MSGSIZE -(p-buf); // count of characters to salvage from this failure
memcpy(buf,p,*cnt); //cnt is now where the next character from Serial is stored!
else *cnt=0; // whole buffer is garbage
return done; // if done then buf[] contains a sendbufid buffer, else a timeout occurred
void loop()
char sbuf[128], resOK;
static uint8_t cnt=0;
uint8_t cbuf[MSGSIZE], chk;
uint32_t xtime;
// Receive fromTx master Arduino
memset(cbuf, 0, sizeof(cbuf));
resOK = receive ( cbuf, 10000,&cnt);
if( resOK ) { // byte 0 == syncbyte ?
//displayvalues(60, "Received...:", cbuf);
memcpy(recvbuf, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf));
// change values to send back!
memcpy(sendbuf, recvbuf, sizeof(sendbuf)); // copy inbuf to outbuf
sendbuf[4]+=1; // change [6] to send back
sendbuf[6]+=1; // change [6] to send back
// send to Tx master Arduino
for(uint8_t i=0; i<MSGSIZE; i++) {
Serial1.write(sendbuf[i]); // Send value to the Rx Arduino
//Serial1.flush(); // clear output buffer
//displayvalues(20, "Transmitted...: ", sendbuf);
sprintf(sbuf, "%4d %4d", sendbuf[4], sendbuf[6]);
lcdprintxy(0, 20, sbuf);