The 7-bit device address is 111011x. The 6 MSB bits are fixed. The last bit is changeable by
SDO value and can be changed during operation. Connecting SDO to GND results in slave
address 1110110 (0x76); connection it to V DDIO results in slave address 1110111 (0x77), which
is the same as BMP280’s I2C address. The SDO pin cannot be left floating; if left floating, the
I2C address will be undefined.
The I2C interface uses the following pins:
SCK: serial clock (SCL)
SDI: data (SDA)
SDO: Slave address LSB (GND = ‘0’, V DDIO = ‘1’)
CSB must be connected to V DDIO to select I2C interface. SDI is bi-directional with open drain to
GND: it must be externally connected to V DDIO via a pull up resistor. Refer to chapter 7 for
connection instructions.
Habe SDO nun mit AtmegaPin verbunden und auf HIGH gelegt.....