Wenn ich bloß die Zeit für solche Spielereien hätte....Zitat:
Zitat von peterfido
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Wenn ich bloß die Zeit für solche Spielereien hätte....Zitat:
Zitat von peterfido
Dann hast Du kein Update gemacht sondern die Vollversion wieder runtergeladen. Das ist tatsächlich dann die 1.12. und man muss auf die 2.0.0 per Wizard updaten.Zitat:
Zitat von funkheld
Nächstes Update ist verfügbar:
das ist endlich das volle "bascom" zum komplett neu installieren.
hat ja lange gedauert.
- 1wire changed so it works with Xmega as well.
- various samples in the samples\xmega folder
- bug in $swcheck fixed. the soft stack is now checked from within the other stack check routines which saves code.
- xm32A4 added, thanks MAK3 !
- getadc() for Xmega has an additional parameter so it can pass both channel and mux.
- $NORAMPZ will result in rampz treating as In the rampz is cleared after it has been used for pointing to flash memory.
If your app worked fine and you can not allow the extra code you can use the directive.
- xmega EBI(xram) support added. See config XRAM. Don't be intimidated by the number of options, just use the sample.
- config clock uses the RTC now of the Xmega. See the xm128-RTC.bas example
- watchog support added for XMega. See the sample xm128-WD.bas
- added DISABLE JTAG to disable the jtag interface via software. this works for normal and xmega chips.
- $forcesofti2c will force the xmega to use software i2c, it was used internally. it will not be added to the help.
- adding array index support feature resulted in a bug when using locals
- lcdvdf.lib added for a special VFD display module from "Electronic Design Bitzer". LCDAUTODIM added.
this is a 20x4 vfd display immune for ESD.
config lcdpin creates constants for the pins which are used by the lib. also MODE added for 20x4VFD.
you can also define busy for a busy pin. this is a fragment from a lib that shows the generated names. they are also visible in the report.
sbi _lcddb4dir, _lcddb4_pin ; db4
sbi _lcddb5dir, _lcddb5_pin ; db5
sbi _lcddb6dir, _lcddb6_pin ; db6
sbi _lcddb7dir, _lcddb7_pin ; db7
sbi _lcddbedir, _lcddbe_pin ; enable/strobe HIGH
sbi _lcdresetdir,_lcdreset_pin ; reset line to Output
sbi _lcddbe, _lcddbe_pin ; strobe high
cbi _lcdreset,_lcdreset_pin ; reset low
sbi _lcdreset,_lcdreset_pin ; reset was LOW so make it HIGH
- when not ubrhi setting updated the wrong register for chips with shared registers.
- config DP="," | "." to select the decimal point for the fusing() and single str() functions. Default is "."
- i2crepstart did not work for Xmega
- i2cstop for xmega did not free bus after i2creceive/i2csend, so the i2cstop command has been extended to send multiple commands.
Und weiter gehts...
- start/stop timer accepts xmega timer names
- Full IDE is translated into Russian.
- config tcXX added for xmega timers
- config acxx added for xmega comparator
- simulator can simulate projects with up to 35 include files.
- dat file for m16U4 added.
- all missing dat files added for Xmega
- loadadr did not took config base into account leading to index error warning for config base 0.
- atmel programmers can load/save in HEX format too.
- ADR2 bug fixed. In the ADR2 could point to the wrong label.
- stk600-PDI support added. When selecting stk600, PDI will be used (for xmega programming)
- $prog accepts lock and fuse bytes for xmega
- options, simulator added to save eeprom state.
- checkfloat() function added by Josef which can check a single or double and returns status about nan,zero,sign and infinity.
- pulseout changed to work with xmega.
- mcs bootloader new reset option. you can send a string for reset. To send special ascii use {}. {027} will send ascii 27.
To send { you have to use the ascii value as well since { is used to send special characters.
- mcs bootloader can use DTR or RTS for the reset.
- xmega gosub=sectic did not set _SECTIC constant.
- xm128 bootloader rewritten for XM32A4, by MAK3
- config DACB , configured DACA.
- split() when array was dimmed the same size as the number to split, the returned count was 1 too high.
- alias bug from fixed.
wer sich schonmal anschauen möchte, wie die neue IDE aussehen wird, hier der Link zum Helpfile:
Hmm na endlich!
Code Folding und DeadCode-Finder. Danke.
Variablen Explorer der auch die automatisch generierten anzeigt - fein.
Gleich mal anschauen... Bzw. hoffentlich kommt die bald...
Split View finde ich auch eine schöne Idee.
Muß man nicht so oft hin- und herscrollen.
Das hoffe ich auch. ;)Zitat:
hoffentlich kommt die bald...
Funkheld bemäkelt, dass es die "Hilfe" nicht auch auf Deutsch gibt