sorry, wenn ich den alten beitrag nochmal hochhole...
ich benutze folgendes modul um die gps-daten (512X.2722=51° 2X.2722min x 121X.0787=12° 1X.0787min) in grad umzuwandeln (51,33787° x 12,234645°)
wenn ich nun L1, L2, G1, G2 durch die errechneten koordinaten ersetze, dann müßte ich doch ebenfalls die entfernung ermittelt bekommen, kann das einer bestätigen? oder gibt es vielleicht andere gps-projekte die sich näher mit der entfernungsberechnung beschäftigen? hat vielleicht schon einer ein fertiges beispielprojekt, da ich mir nicht sicher bin ob ich mit der oben genannten methode ein korrektes ergebniss erhalte oder ob da irgendwo doch ein fehler drin ist.Code:' quelle:
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
'The RMC-Datasentence (RMC=recommended minimum sentence C)
'is a recommendation for the minimum, that a GPS-Receiver should give back.
'It looks like this: "$GPRMC,191410,A,4735.5634,N,00739.3538,E,0.0,0.0,181102,0.4,E,A*19"
Public Sub decodeRMC(ByVal inp As String, _
Optional ByRef UtcTime As String, _
Optional ByRef ReceiverWarning As Boolean, _
Optional ByRef Latitude As Double, _
Optional ByRef LatitudeDir As String, _
Optional ByRef Longitude As Double, _
Optional ByRef LongitudeDir As String, _
Optional ByRef SpeedKMH As Double, _
Optional ByRef Course As Double, _
Optional ByRef DateStamp As String, _
Optional ByRef MagneticDeclination As Double, _
Optional ByRef Checksum As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
inp = UCase(Trim(inp))
'Checking initstring. Must be the same for all RMC sentences.
If Left(inp, 1) <> "$" Or Mid(inp, 4, 3) <> "RMC" Then Checksum = False: Exit Sub
'Extracting that part of the sentence that is needed to calculate the checksum
Dim ChkDat As String
ChkDat = Mid(inp, 2, InStr(2, inp, "*") - 2)
'For compatibility with split function
inp = Replace(inp, ",,", ", ,")
'Splitting sentence
Dim Dat As Variant
Dat = Split(inp, ",")
'Calculating checksum and comparing it
Dim ChkSum As String
ChkSum = Dat(UBound(Dat))
ChkSum = Right(ChkSum, Len(ChkSum) - InStr(1, ChkSum, "*"))
If calcChecksum(ChkDat) = Hex2Dec(ChkSum) Then Checksum = True Else Checksum = False: Exit Sub
UtcTime = Left(Dat(2), 6)
If UtcTime <> " " Then UtcTime = Left(UtcTime, 2) & ":" & Mid(UtcTime, 3, 2) & ":" & Right(UtcTime, 2) Else UtcTime = ""
If Dat(3) = "A" Or Dat(3) = "" Then ReceiverWarning = False Else ReceiverWarning = True
Dim sp As Integer
sp = InStr(1, Dat(4), ".")
Latitude = CDbl(Left(Dat(4), sp - 3)) + CDbl(CDbl(Replace(Mid(Dat(4), sp - 2), ".", ",")) / 60)
Latitude = Round(Latitude, 8)
LatitudeDir = Dat(5)
sp = InStr(1, Dat(6), ".")
Longitude = CDbl(Left(Dat(6), sp - 3)) + CDbl(CDbl(Replace(Mid(Dat(6), sp - 2), ".", ",")) / 60)
Longitude = Round(Longitude, 8)
LongitudeDir = Dat(7)
'SpeedKMH (needs to be converted from knots)
SpeedKMH = Replace(CStr((Dat(8) * 0.54)), ".", ",")
'Course without movement
Course = Replace(CStr(Dat(9)), ".", ",")
DateStamp = Left(Dat(10), 6)
If DateStamp <> " " Then DateStamp = Left(DateStamp, 2) & "." & Mid(DateStamp, 3, 2) & "." & Mid(DateStamp, 5) Else DateStamp = ""
MagneticDeclination = Replace(CStr(Dat(11)), ".", ",")
End Sub
'The GGA-Datasentence contains the most important information about GPS-position and accuracy.
'it looks like: "$GPGGA,191410,4735.5634,N,00739.3538,E,1,04,4.4,351.5,M,48.0,M,,*45"
Public Sub decodeGGA(ByVal inp As String, _
Optional ByRef UtcTime As String, _
Optional ByRef Latitude As Double, _
Optional ByRef LatitudeDir As String, _
Optional ByRef Longitude As Double, _
Optional ByRef LongitudeDir As String, _
Optional ByRef Quality As String, _
Optional ByRef SatellitesIV As Integer, _
Optional ByRef HDOP As Double, _
Optional ByRef AltitudeSea As Double, _
Optional ByRef AltitudeSeaUnit As String, _
Optional ByRef AltitudeEllipsoid As Double, _
Optional ByRef AltitudeEllipsoidUnit As String, _
Optional ByRef Checksum As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
inp = UCase(Trim(inp))
'Checking initstring. Must be the same for all GGA sentences.
If Left(inp, 1) <> "$" Or Mid(inp, 4, 3) <> "GGA" Then Checksum = False: Exit Sub
'Extracting that part of the sentence that is needed to calculate the checksum
Dim ChkDat As String
ChkDat = Mid(inp, 2, InStr(2, inp, "*") - 2)
'For compatibility with split function
inp = Replace(inp, ",,", ", ,")
'Splitting sentence
Dim Dat As Variant
Dat = Split(inp, ",")
'Calculating checksum and comparing it
Dim ChkSum As String
ChkSum = Dat(UBound(Dat))
ChkSum = Right(ChkSum, Len(ChkSum) - InStr(1, ChkSum, "*"))
If calcChecksum(ChkDat) = Hex2Dec(ChkSum) Then Checksum = True Else Checksum = False: Exit Sub
UtcTime = Left(Dat(2), 6)
If UtcTime <> " " Then UtcTime = Left(UtcTime, 2) & ":" & Mid(UtcTime, 3, 2) & ":" & Right(UtcTime, 2) Else UtcTime = ""
Dim sp As Integer
sp = InStr(1, Dat(3), ".")
Latitude = CDbl(Left(Dat(3), sp - 3)) + CDbl(CDbl(Replace(Mid(Dat(3), sp - 2), ".", ",")) / 60)
Latitude = Round(Latitude, 8)
LatitudeDir = Dat(4)
sp = InStr(1, Dat(5), ".")
Longitude = CDbl(Left(Dat(5), sp - 3)) + CDbl(CDbl(Replace(Mid(Dat(5), sp - 2), ".", ",")) / 60)
Longitude = Round(Longitude, 8)
LongitudeDir = Dat(6)
'Quality: 0-invalid, 1-gps, 2-dgps, 6-guessed
Quality = "unknown"
If Dat(7) = 0 Then Quality = "no fix"
If Dat(7) = 1 Then Quality = "GPS fix"
If Dat(7) = 2 Then Quality = "DGPS fix"
If Dat(7) = 6 Then Quality = "guessed"
'Satellites in view
SatellitesIV = Dat(8)
'HDOP: horizontal dilution of precision (accuracy)
HDOP = Replace(CStr(Dat(9)), ".", ",")
'Altitude over sea
AltitudeSea = Replace(CStr(Dat(10)), ".", ",")
'Altitude over sea unit
AltitudeSeaUnit = Dat(11)
'Altitude over ellipsoid
AltitudeEllipsoid = Replace(CStr(Dat(12)), ".", ",")
'Altitude over ellipsoid unit
AltitudeEllipsoidUnit = Dat(13)
End Sub
'The GSA-Datasentence contains information about the PRN-Numbers of the satellites that are used
'for calculating the actual position and some more detailed info about the accuracy.
'it looks like: "$GPGSA,A,3,,,,15,17,18,23,,,,,,4.7,4.4,1.5*3F"
Public Sub decodeGSA(ByVal inp As String, _
Optional ByRef AutoSel As Boolean, _
Optional ByRef mode As String, _
Optional ByRef prn As Variant, _
Optional ByRef PDOP As Double, _
Optional ByRef HDOP As Double, _
Optional ByRef VDOP As Double, _
Optional ByRef Checksum As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
inp = UCase(Trim(inp))
'Checking initstring. Must be the same for all GSA sentences.
If Left(inp, 1) <> "$" Or Mid(inp, 4, 3) <> "GSA" Then Checksum = False: Exit Sub
'Extracting that part of the sentence that is needed to calculate the checksum
Dim ChkDat As String
ChkDat = Mid(inp, 2, InStr(2, inp, "*") - 2)
'For compatibility with split function
inp = Replace(inp, ",,", ", ,")
'Splitting sentence
Dim Dat As Variant
Dat = Split(inp, ",")
'Calculating checksum and comparing it
Dim ChkSum As String
ChkSum = Dat(UBound(Dat))
ChkSum = Right(ChkSum, Len(ChkSum) - InStr(1, ChkSum, "*"))
If calcChecksum(ChkDat) = Hex2Dec(ChkSum) Then Checksum = True Else Checksum = False: Exit Sub
'Auto Selection Mode
If Dat(2) = "A" Then AutoSel = True Else AutoSel = False
mode = "unknown"
If Dat(3) = "3" Then mode = "3D-Fix"
If Dat(3) = "2" Then mode = "2D-Fix"
If Dat(3) = "1" Then mode = "No-Fix"
ReDim prn(12)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 4 To 15
If IsNumeric(Dat(i)) Then prn(i - 3) = CInt(Dat(i)) Else prn(i - 3) = ""
'PDOP in meters
PDOP = Replace(CStr(Dat(16)), ".", ",")
'HDOP horizontal dilution of precision in meters
HDOP = Replace(CStr(Dat(17)), ".", ",")
'VDOP vertical dilution of precision in meters
VDOP = Replace(Left(CStr(Dat(18)), InStr(1, Dat(18), "*") - 1), ".", ",")
End Sub
' sn ed azi dB ------------ ------------ ------------
' ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------
' ------------ ---------- ------------ ------------
'GSV - Satellites in view
' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n
' | | | | | | | |
' $--GSV,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,...*hh<CR><LF>
' 1) total number of messages
' 2) message number
' 3) satellites in view
' 4) satellite number
' 5) elevation in degrees
' 6) azimuth in degrees to true
' 7) SNR in dB
' more satellite infos like 4)-7)
' n) checksum
Public Sub decodeGSV(ByVal inp As String, _
Optional ByRef tnm As Integer, _
Optional ByRef mn As Integer, _
Optional ByRef SatsInView As Integer, _
Optional ByRef SatNr As Variant, _
Optional ByRef Elevation As Variant, _
Optional ByRef Azimuth As Variant, _
Optional ByRef SNRdB As Variant, _
Optional ByRef Checksum As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
inp = UCase(Trim(inp))
'Checking initstring. Must be the same for all GSV sentences.
If Left(inp, 1) <> "$" Or Mid(inp, 4, 3) <> "GSV" Then Checksum = False: Exit Sub
'Extracting that part of the sentence that is needed to calculate the checksum
Dim ChkDat As String
ChkDat = Mid(inp, 2, InStr(2, inp, "*") - 2)
ChkDat = ChkDat
'For compatibility with split function
inp = Replace(inp, ",,", ", ,")
'Splitting sentence
Dim Dat As Variant
Dat = Split(inp, ",")
'Cutting what we won't need
inp = Right(inp, Len(inp) - 7)
inp = Left(inp, InStr(1, inp, "*") - 1)
'Calculating checksum and comparing it
Dim ChkSum As String
ChkSum = Dat(UBound(Dat))
ChkSum = Right(ChkSum, Len(ChkSum) - InStr(1, ChkSum, "*"))
Dim ccs As Integer, dcs As Long
ccs = calcChecksum(ChkDat)
dcs = Hex2Dec(ChkSum)
If ccs = dcs Then Checksum = True Else Checksum = False: Exit Sub
'total number of messages
tnm = CInt(Dat(1))
'message number
mn = CInt(Dat(2))
'Satellites in View
SatsInView = Dat(3)
Dim i As Integer
Dim sp As Integer
ReDim SatNr(4)
For i = 1 To 4
sp = InStr(1, Dat(3 + i), "*")
If sp > 0 Then Dat(3 + i) = Left(Dat(3 + i), sp - 1)
SatNr(i) = Dat(3 + i)
ReDim Elevation(4)
For i = 1 To 4
sp = InStr(1, Dat(7 + i), "*")
If sp > 0 Then Dat(7 + i) = Left(Dat(7 + i), sp - 1)
Elevation(i) = Dat(7 + i)
ReDim Azimuth(4)
For i = 1 To 4
sp = InStr(1, Dat(11 + i), "*")
If sp > 0 Then Dat(11 + i) = Left(Dat(11 + i), sp - 1)
Azimuth(i) = Dat(11 + i)
ReDim SNRdB(4)
For i = 1 To 4
sp = InStr(1, Dat(15 + i), "*")
If sp > 0 Then Dat(15 + i) = Left(Dat(15 + i), sp - 1)
SNRdB(i) = Dat(15 + i)
End Sub
'Helper functions:
Function calcChecksum(inp As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, s As Integer
s = 0
For i = 1 To Len(inp)
s = s Xor Asc(Mid(inp, i, 1))
calcChecksum = s
End Function
Function Hex2Dec(HexNum As Variant) As Long
Hex2Dec = "&h" & HexNum
End Function
'Compatibility functions:
Function Split(sIn As String, sDel As String) As Variant
Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, s As Integer, t As Integer
i = 1: s = 1: t = 1: x = 1
ReDim tArr(1 To x) As Variant
If InStr(1, sIn, sDel) <> 0 Then
ReDim Preserve tArr(1 To x) As Variant
tArr(i) = Mid(sIn, t, InStr(s, sIn, sDel) - t)
t = InStr(s, sIn, sDel) + Len(sDel)
s = t
If tArr(i) <> "" Then i = i + 1
x = x + 1
Loop Until InStr(s, sIn, sDel) = 0
ReDim Preserve tArr(1 To x) As Variant
tArr(i) = Mid(sIn, t, Len(sIn) - t + 1)
tArr(1) = sIn
End If
Split = tArr
End Function
Function Round(ByVal Value As Variant, Optional ByVal digits As Integer = 0) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim Pot10(-28 To 28) As Variant
If i = 0 Then
For i = LBound(Pot10) To UBound(Pot10)
Pot10(i) = CDec(10 ^ i)
Next i
End If
On Error Resume Next
If Value > 0 Then
Round = Int(Value * Pot10(digits) + 0.5) * Pot10(-digits)
Round = -Int(-Value * Pot10(digits) + 0.5) * Pot10(-digits)
End If
If Err.Number Then Round = Value
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function Replace(strString As String, Find As String, strReplace As String) As String
Dim ss As Long
ss = InStr(1, strString, Find)
If ss > 0 Then
strString = Left(strString, ss - 1) & strReplace & Right(strString, Len(strString) - (ss + (Len(Find) - 1)))
Replace = Replace(strString, Find, strReplace)
Replace = strString
End If
End Function
vielleicht kann einer weiterhelfen.