'This program shows how you could use the I2C slave library to create a PCF8574
'The PCF8574 is an IO extender chip that has 8 pins.
'The pins can be set to a logic level by writing the address followed by a value
'In order to read from the pins you need to make them '1' first
'This program uses a AT90S2313, PORTB is used as the PCF8574 PORT
'The slave library needs INT0 and TIMER0 in order to work.
'SCL is PORTD.4 (T0)
'SDA is PORTD.2 (INT0)
'Use 10K pull up resistors for both SCL and SDA
'The Slave library will only work for chips that have T0 and INT0 connected to the same PORT.
'These chips are : 2313,2323, 2333,2343,4433,tiny22, tiny12,tiny15, M8
'The other chips have build in hardware I2C(slave) support.