Code:'-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ADC_INT.BAS ' demonstration of GETADC() function in combintion with the idle mode ' for a better noise immunity ' Getadc() will also work for other AVR chips that have an ADC converter '-------------------------------------------------------------------- $regfile = "4433def.dat" $crystal = 4000000 $baud = 19200 'configure single mode and auto prescaler setting 'The single mode must be used with the GETADC() function 'The prescaler divides the internal clock by 2,4,8,16,32,64 or 128 'Because the ADC needs a clock from 50-200 KHz 'The AUTO feature, will select the highest clockrate possible Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto 'Now give power to the chip On Adc Adc_isr Nosave Enable Adc Enable Interrupts Dim W As Word , Channel As Byte Channel = 0 'now read A/D value from channel 0 Do Channel = 0 'idle will put the micro into sleep. 'an interrupt will wake the micro. Start Adc Idle Stop Adc Print "Channel " ; Channel ; " value " ; W Waitms 500 Loop End Adc_isr: push r24 in r24,sreg push r24 push r25 W = Getadc(channel) pop r25 pop r24 !out sreg,r24 pop r24 Return 'The new M163 has options for the reference voltage 'For this chip you can use the additional param : 'Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto, Reference = Internal 'The reference param may be : 'OFF : AREF, internal reference turned off 'AVCC : AVCC, with external capacitor at AREF pin 'INTERNAL : Internal 2.56 voltage reference with external capacitor ar AREF pin 'Using the additional param on chip that do not have the internal reference will have no effect.