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Thema: S.N.A.P.-Source...Sub-Probleme

  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter Experte Avatar von Rage_Empire
    Registriert seit



    hab einen Source für das SNAP-Protokoll geschrieben. Inzwischen sehr komlex geworden. Hab bisher alles mit Gosub und goto aufgerufen. Aber jetzt will ich das alles Sauber mit Sub-Funktionen lösen. Aber irgendwas mach ich falsch.
    ' This Code suspend:
    ' from 1 to 512 Databytes
    ' crc16-ccitt, 8Bit-Checksumm or non Error detection Method
    ' ACK/NACK or non ACK/NACK- Mode for Recieve
    ' 8Bit Addresses for max.255 user
    ' the variables are:
    ' hdb1  = hederbyte1
    ' hdb2  = headrbyte2
    ' db(x) = Databyte x
    ' dab1  = destination adressbyte1 (only one Byte)
    ' sab1  = source adressbyte1 (only one Byte)
    ' rx    = recievebit
    ' tx    = sendbit
    ' wts   = wait-to-send bit
    ' rtr   = ready-to-recieve bit
    ' myadress= adress of this unit
    ' to controll are the Bits:
    ' crcen   = crc-16 ccitt function enable
    ' hdben   = hake_hdb - function enable
    ' cmdmode = rx, tx, wts, rtr enable
    ' are this Bits set of 1 then the functions are enable
    ' Standart definition is two databytes and crc-ccitt error detection
    ' The packet structure is defined in the received packets first two
    ' bytes (HDB2 and HDB1). The following packet structure is used.
    ' DD=01     - 1 Byte destination address (one Byte lengh)
    ' SS=01     - 1 Byte source address (one Byte lengh)
    ' PP=00     - No protocol specific flags
    ' AA=01     - Acknowledge is required
    ' D=0       - No Command Mode
    ' EEE=100   - 16-bit CRC-CCITT
    ' NNNN=1111 - max. 512 Byte data (0000 and 1111 -> 0Bytes)
    ' Overview of header definition bytes (HDB2 and HDB1)
    '         HDB2             HDB1               DAB1              SAB1
    ' +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
    ' | D D S S P P A A | D E E E N N N N | X X X X X X X X | X X X X X X X X |
    ' +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
    ' -----[ Declairs ]---------------------------------------------------
    Declare Sub Sendsnap(byval Dab1 As Byte , Db(1) As Byte)
    Declare Sub Sendsnapback(byval Db(1) As Byte)
    Declare Function Recievesnap(db(16) As Byte) As Byte
    ' -----[ Constants ]--------------------------------------------------
    Const Sync_ = &B01010100                                    ' Synchronisation byte
    Const Crcpoly = &H1021                                      ' CRC-CCITT
    Const Hdb2_ = &B01010001                                    ' HDB2
    Const Hdb1_ = &B01001111                                    ' HDB1
    Const Myaddress = 123                                       ' Address for this node (1-255)
    Const Cmdmode = 0
    Const Crcen = 1
    Const Hdben = 1
    ' -----[ Variables ]--------------------------------------------------
    'Myaddress                                                     address
    'Cmdmode                                                       Command mode give the Status of SNAP
    'dim Rx as bit                                                 Recieve Active Bit
    'dim Tx as bit                                                 Send Active Bit
    'dim Rtr as bit                                               "Ready to recieve" Bit
    'dim Wts as bit                                               "Wait to send" Bit (can used at interrupt-output to send)
    'dim crcen as bit
    Dim Sb As Bit                                               ' Send Back Bit
    Dim Crc As Word                                             ' CRC Word
    Dim Hdb1 As Byte                                            ' Header Definition Byte 1
    Dim Hdb2 As Byte                                            ' Header Definition Byte 2
    Dim Dab1 As Byte                                            ' Empfängeradresse
    Dim Sab1 As Byte                                            ' Senderadresse
                                                                 ' lengh of databytes as word
    Dim Db(16) As Byte                                          ' Packet Data Bytes (max.16 for smaler uCs)
    Dim Databytes As Byte                                       ' lengh of  databytes as byte
    Dim Crc2 As Byte                                            ' Packet CRC Hi_Byte
    Dim Crc1 As Byte                                            ' Packet CRC Lo_Byte
    Dim Temp1 As Byte                                           ' Temporary Variable Byte
    Dim Temp2 As Byte                                           ' Temporary Variable Byte
    Dim Tmp3 As Byte                                            ' Temporary Variable Byte
    Dim Tmpw1 As Word                                           ' Temponary Variable Word
    Dim Tmpw2 As Word                                           ' Temponary Variable Word
    ' -----[ Initialization ]---------------------------------------------
    Baud = 19200
    ' -----[ Program ]----------------------------------------------------
    Sub Recievesnap(db(16) As Byte)
        #if Cmdmode = 1
        Reset Rx
        Set Rtr
        Temp1 = Waitkey()                                       ' Wait for data on serialport
        ' If received data is a SYNC byte read next eight bytes
        ' from master, if not return to snap
        If Temp1 <> Sync_ Then Goto Snap
        #if Cmdmode = 1
        Reset Rtr
        Set Rx
            ' Get packet in binary mode
            Inputbin Hdb2 , Hdb1 , Dab1 , Sab1 ,
            Gosub Databytes
            If Databytes = 0 Then Goto Snp
            For Tmp3 = Databytes To 1 Step -1
            Inputbin Db(tmp3),
            Next Tmp3
            If Hdb1.6 = 1 Then Inputbin Crc2 , Crc1
            ' Check HDB1 to see if MCu are capable to use the packet
            ' structure, if not goto Snap
            Temp2 = Hdb1 Or &B01001111
            If Temp2 <> Hdb1_ Then Goto Snap
            ' Packet header check routine
            ' Check HDB2 to see if MCU are capable to use the packet
            ' structure, if not goto Snap
            Temp2 = Hdb2 Or &B00000001
            If Temp2 <> Hdb2_ Then Goto Snap
            ' Address check routine
            ' Check if this is the node addressed, if not goto Snap
            If Dab1 <> Myaddress Then Goto Snap
            If Hdb1.6 = 1 Then Goto Nocrc
            ' Check CRC for all the received bytes
            Gosub Check_crc
            Gosub Checkcrc
            #if Cmdmode = 1
            Reset Rx
            ' Check if there was any CRC errors, if so send NAK
            If Crc <> 0 And Hdb2.0 = 1 Then Goto Nak
            ' No CRC errors in packet so check what to do.
            If Hdb2.0 = 1 Then Goto Ack_ Else End Sub
            ' Send ACK (i.e tell master that packet was OK)
            ' Set ACKs bit in HDB2 (xxxxxx10)
            Hdb2 = Hdb2 Or &B00000010
            Hdb2 = Hdb2 And &B11111110
            Hdb1 = &H0
            Call Sendsnapback(0)
            End Sub
            ' Send NAK (i.e tell master that packet was bad)
            ' Set ACK bits in HDB2 (xxxxxx11)
            Hdb2 = Hdb2 Or &B00000011
            Hdb1 = &H0
            Call Sendsnapback(0)
            End Sub
    Sub Sendsnapback(db(1) As Byte)
            Set Sb
            Goto Send
    Sub Sendsnap(dab1 As Byte , Db(16)as Byte)
            If Hdb1 = 0 Or Hdb2 = 0 Then Gosub Make_hdb
            ' if send no ACK or NACK then send without ACK-Command
            If Hdb2.1 = 0 Then Hdb2 = Hdb2 And &B11111100
            ' if CRC is not requied then dont calc crc
            If Hdb1.6 = 1 Then Goto _send
            ' Clear CRC variable
            Crc = 0
            Gosub Check_crc
            ' Move calculated Hi_CRC value to outgoing packet
            Crc2 = High(crc)
            ' Move calculated Lo_CRC value to outgoing packet
            Crc1 = Low(crc)
            ' Send packet to master, including the preamble and SYNC byte
            Temp1 = &B00001111 And Hdb1
            If Temp1 < 1 Then
                         Hdb1 = Hdb1 And &B11110001
                         Temp1 = 1
                       End If
            If Temp1 = 1 Then Databytes = 1 Else Databytes = 0
            'check the Databus at three times, when its this times free then send
            #if Cmdmode = 1
            Set Wts
            For Temp2 = 1 To 3
            Temp1 = Inkey()                                     'look for character
            If Temp1 > 0 Then                                   'is variable > 0?
            Temp2 = 1
            Waitms 1
            Goto Chcksnd
            End If
            Next Temp2
            #if Cmdmode = 1
            Reset Wts
            Set Rx
            Waitus 100
            Print &H0 ; Sync_ ;
            Print Chr(hdb2) ; Chr(hdb1) ;
            ' is the command sendback, then swap print dab1 and sab1
            If Sb = 1 Then Print Chr(sab1) ; Chr(dab1) ; Else Print Chr(dab1) ; Chr(sab1) ;
            Temp1 = &B00001111 And Hdb1
            If Temp1 = 0 Then Goto Snd:
            Print Chr(db(1));
            If Hdb1.6 = 1 Then Print Chr(crc2) ; Chr(crc1) ;
            ' Give AVR time to shift out all bits before setting to Rx
            Waitms 5
            Reset Sb
            #if Cmdmode = 1
            Reset Rx
            ' Done, go back to Start and wait for a new packet
            End Sub
    ' -----[ Subroutines ]------------------------------------------------
    ' created Header- Bytes
    Hdb1 = &B00000001
    Hdb2 = &B01010000
    ' Soubroutine for checking all received bytes in packet
            Crc = 0
            Gosub Databytes
            Temp1 = Hdb2
            Gosub Calc_crc
            Temp1 = Hdb1
            Gosub Calc_crc
            Temp1 = Dab1
            Gosub Calc_crc
            Temp1 = Sab1
            Gosub Calc_crc
            If Databytes = 0 Then Return
            For Tmp3 = Databytes To 1 Step -1
            Temp1 = Db(tmp3)
            Gosub Calc_crc
            Next Tmp3
            Temp1 = Crc2
            Gosub Calc_crc
            Temp1 = Crc1
            Gosub Calc_crc
    ' Subroutine for calculating CRC value in variable Tmp_Byte1
            Tmpw1 = Temp1 * 256
            Crc = Tmpw1 Xor Crc
            For Temp2 = 0 To 7
                If Crc.15 = 0 Then Goto Shift_only
                Tmpw2 = Crc * 2
                Crc = Tmpw2 Xor Crcpoly
                Goto Nxt
                Crc = Crc * 2
    ' Subroutine to scan the lengh of Databytes
       Temp1 = Hdb1 And &B00001111
       Databytes = Lookup(temp1 , Anzdb)
       Data 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 16 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
    ' -----[ End of S.N.A.P. ]------------------------------------------------
    Kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich das mit den Subs richtig hinbekomme?

  2. #2
    Erfahrener Benutzer Robotik Einstein
    Registriert seit
    sauber ist die eine sache und hex-codegrösse die andere.
    mit gosub sparst du bis 50 byte pro aufruf und ist wesentlich schneller.
    wenn man die variablen sauber auftrennt und listet, kann auch ein programm sauber mit gosub aussehen.
    mache deine restlichen sub auch noch mit gosub und vernünftigen reinrücken.
    mfg pebisoft

  3. #3
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter Experte Avatar von Rage_Empire
    Registriert seit
    Ja, so hatte ichs auch. Nur wenn ich diesen Source als Baustein verwenden will, ist es wohl einfacher mit subs zu handhaben.

  4. #4
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter Experte Avatar von Rage_Empire
    Registriert seit
    Habs hinbekommen, ist etwas abgespeckt aber es geht. Einfach mit Include verwendet und es funzt prima!
    Angehängte Dateien Angehängte Dateien

  5. #5
    Benutzer Stammmitglied
    Registriert seit


    kann ich den Sourcecode auch benutzen? Wenn ja kannst Du den aktuellen Stand posten und beschreiben wie ich die Funktionen benutzte. Ich habe mich schon einwenig mit snap beschäftigt bin aber noch nicht durchgesteigen, wäre ne Möglichtkeit das auch mal zu schnallen.


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Labornetzteil AliExpress