ich habe eine Zeit lang keine große Lust gehabt mich in die C-Programmierung meines AVR einzuarbeiten. Jetzt hab ich sie wieder und hab gerade die ganzen Packages unter Suse Linux 10.0 installiert, die man so braucht, also gcc-core, avr-libc, uisp, binutils. Dann wollte ich das Testprogramm das man auf http://www.tldp.org/linuxfocus/Engli...ticle352.shtml findet kompilieren, die Fehlermeldung lautete:
Ich poste auch mal das Makefile und den Code, weiß nicht ob das hilft aber schaden kanns ja nicht:Code:linux:/home/mathias/Desktop # make avr-gcc -g -mmcu=atmega8 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -mcall-prologues -Os -c avrm8ledtest.c avrm8ledtest.c:27: error: syntax error before 'void' avrm8ledtest.c:34: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'outer1' avrm8ledtest.c:34: warning: data definition has no type or storage class avrm8ledtest.c:36: error: syntax error before 'while' avrm8ledtest.c:78: error: syntax error before numeric constant avrm8ledtest.c:78: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'delay_ms' avrm8ledtest.c:78: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype avrm8ledtest.c:78: warning: data definition has no type or storage class avrm8ledtest.c:80: error: syntax error before 'volatile' avrm8ledtest.c:81: error: syntax error before numeric constant avrm8ledtest.c:81: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'delay_ms' avrm8ledtest.c:81: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype avrm8ledtest.c:81: warning: data definition has no type or storage class make: *** [avrm8ledtest.o] Fehler 1
Code:# makefile, written by guido socher MCU=atmega8 CC=avr-gcc OBJCOPY=avr-objcopy # optimize for size: CFLAGS=-g -mmcu=$(MCU) -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Os -mcall-prologues #------------------- all: avrm8ledtest.hex #------------------- help: @echo "Usage: make all|load|load_pre|rdfuses|wrfuse1mhz|wrfuse4mhz|wrfusecrystal" @echo "Warning: you will not be able to undo wrfusecrystal unless you connect an" @echo " external crystal! uC is dead after wrfusecrystal if you do not" @echo " have an external crystal." #------------------- avrm8ledtest.hex : avrm8ledtest.out $(OBJCOPY) -R .eeprom -O ihex avrm8ledtest.out avrm8ledtest.hex avrm8ledtest.out : avrm8ledtest.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o avrm8ledtest.out -Wl,-Map,avrm8ledtest.map avrm8ledtest.o avrm8ledtest.o : avrm8ledtest.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Os -c avrm8ledtest.c #------------------ load: avrm8ledtest.hex ./prg_load_uc avrm8ledtest.hex # here is a pre-compiled version in case you have trouble with # your development environment load_pre: avrm8ledtest_pre.hex ./prg_load_uc avrm8ledtest.hex # loaduisp: avrm8ledtest.hex ./prg_load_uc -u avrm8ledtest.hex # here is a pre-compiled version in case you have trouble with # your development environment load_preuisp: avrm8ledtest_pre.hex ./prg_load_uc -u avrm8ledtest.hex #------------------- # fuse byte settings: # Atmel AVR ATmega8 # Fuse Low Byte = 0xe1 (1MHz internal), 0xe3 (4MHz internal), 0xe4 (8MHz internal) # Fuse High Byte = 0xd9 # Factory default is 0xe1 for low byte and 0xd9 for high byte # Check this with make rdfuses rdfuses: ./prg_fusebit_uc -r # use internal RC oscillator 1 Mhz wrfuse1mhz: ./prg_fusebit_uc -w 1 # use internal RC oscillator 4 Mhz wrfuse4mhz: ./prg_fusebit_uc -w 4 # use external 3-8 Mhz crystal # Warning: you can not reset this to intenal unless you connect a crystal!! wrfusecrystal: @echo "Warning: The external crystal setting can not be changed back without a working crystal" @echo " You have 3 seconds to abort this with crtl-c" @sleep 3 ./prg_fusebit_uc -w 0 #------------------- clean: rm -f *.o *.map *.out *t.hex #-------------------
Das Problem ist eben auch, dass ich weder den Code verstehe, noch weiß was die Sache mit dem Makefile soll. Also Ahnung von Programmieren hab ich schon allerdings nur in JavaCode:/********************************************* * vim: set sw=8 ts=8 si : * Author: Guido Socher, Copyright: GPL * This program is to test the led connected to * PC5. * See http://linuxfocus.org/English/November2004/ * for details. * Chip type : ATMEGA8 * Clock frequency : Internal clock 1 Mhz (factory default) *********************************************/ #include <avr/io.h> //#define OLD 1 #ifdef OLD /* compatibilty macros for old style */ #ifndef cbi *#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))* #endif #ifndef sbi *#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))* #endif #endif /*OLD*/ *void delay_ms(unsigned short ms)* /* delay for a minimum of <ms> */ /* with a 1Mhz clock, the resolution is 1 ms */ { // Note: this function is faulty, see avrm8ledtest-0.2.tar.gz for // updated code. unsigned short outer1, outer2; outer1 = 50; while (outer1) { outer2 = 1000; while (outer2) { while ( ms ) ms--; outer2--; } outer1--; } } #ifdef OLD // old style now depricated: *void main(void)* { // enable PC5 as output sbi(DDRC,PC5); while (1) { // led on, pin=0 cbi(PORTC,PC5); delay_ms(500); // set output to 5V, LED off sbi(PORTC,PC5); delay_ms(500); } } #else /* new style */ *void main(void)* { /* INITIALIZE */ /* enable PC5 as output */ DDRC|= _BV(PC5); /* BLINK, BLINK ... */ /* PC5 is 5 (see file include/avr/iom8.h) and _BV(PC5) is 00100000 */ while (1) { /* led on, pin=0 */ PORTC &= ~_BV(PC5); delay_ms(500); /* set output to 5V, LED off */ PORTC|= _BV(PC5); delay_ms(500); } } #endif /*OLD*/(hilft mir ja hier nicht weiter schätz ich mal)
Ich hoff ihr könnt mir helfen.