also das hier war mal mein beitrag, und der funktioniert:
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 7372800
Declare Function M2b(byval Minput As Word) As Byte
Declare Function B2m(byval Binput As Byte) As Word
Dim W As Byte
Dim W2 As Word
Dim I As Byte
Dim I2 As Byte
Dim S As String * 16
W = M2b(&B0110011001100110)
W2 = B2m(&B01010101)
Function M2b(byval Minput As Word) As Byte
For I = 0 To 15 Step 2
I2 = I / 2
Select Case Minput.i
Case 1 : M2b.i2 = 0
Case 0 : M2b.i2 = 1
End Select
End Function
Function B2m(byval Binput As Byte ) As Word
For I = 7 To 0 Step -1
Select Case Binput.i
Case 0 : S = S + "01"
Case 1 : S = S + "10"
End Select
B2m = Binval(s)
End Function