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I am latvian (from Lettland), but i know russian, english and rudimentary technical german.
that second link, it works from USB, reacting to any sound source that is playing on PC. First link, DeVis, also works from USB, but only as WinAmp plugin. Third link is USB adaptation of famous Discolitez Deluxe32 (4x8 LEDs) Winamp plugin, wich was initially made for LEDs on LPT port.
I just posted links because maybe someone else is also searching for color organs, Lichtorgel
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Thank you for the information. I think, that when you really want to build this, you'll have to start a new Tread and develop. I hope, that I can help you, but only by Hardware.
Maybe it could be interesting for you: http://narod.yandex.ru/100.xhtml?lav...ight/acmu4.zip .
I'd used Winamp only to listen MP3 music-files and don't know how can it be used to control from LEDs. Maybe throught output from a Soundcard ?
When I would do it, I'll take a music direct from MP3-player and needn't a PC and Winamp. Sorry, but I allways try to do all as simply as possible ... 
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