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Thema: platinenätzservice?


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  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter-Spezialist
    Registriert seit


    kennt da jemand einen würde mir gerne dass atzen bzw erst mal konstruieren. geht dass aucg mit eagle?

  2. #2
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter-Spezialist
    Registriert seit
    is jetzt egal. hab mal ne frage gibts bei Eagle oder pcad bevorzugt pcad ne funktion wo er alle leiterbahnen die ich mit gleichem namen benannt habe verbindet? also automatisch?

  3. #3
    Erfahrener Benutzer Begeisterter Techniker
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    Bei Eagle braucht man nur die Benennung ändern und im Layout sind dann alle Bahnen miteinander verbunden. Einfach z.B. von einem IC ein kleines Drähtchen wegzeichenen, dann die Funktion "name" ausführen und auf das Drähtchen klicken. Danach einen beliebigen Namen eingeben, OK klicken und fertig. Das selbe macht man mit einer anderen Leitung und fertig. So kann man übersichtliche Pläne zeichen und im Layout sind dann die Verbindungen ohnehin sichtbar.

  4. #4
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter-Spezialist
    Registriert seit
    wie meinst des also ich muss mit pcad arbeiten weil Eagle die datei net öffnen kann.
    nun habe ich in dem schema jeweils an 2 ics den selben namen wie bekomme ich dass hin ohne dass ich jetzt dauernd den namen suchen muss dass ich des verbindet bekomme.
    hab mal hier en bild eingefügt da sieht mans vom USB d+ und d- gehen auf den fx2 ic.
    Miniaturansichten angehängter Grafiken Miniaturansichten angehängter Grafiken 1_148.gif  

  5. #5
    Erfahrener Benutzer Begeisterter Techniker
    Registriert seit
    Du solltest ein paar Satzzeichen mehr setzen, da es sonst recht schwierig ist, deine Texte zu lesen. Ich hoffe, dass ich deine Frage richtig verstanden haben: Du willst einfach schnell wissen, wo welche Leitung hin geht, ohne suchen zu müssen.
    Da ich mich mit PCad genau so viel wie mit dem Paarungsverhalten von Timbuktuianischen Natursteinen unter heißer Sonne auskenne kann ich nur einen Tipp geben.
    Bei Eagle gibt es den Befehl "show". Das ist das mit dem Auge als am Button. Wenn man diesen auswählt und dann auf eine Leitung klickt, leuchten alle damit verbundenen Stränge auf. Vielleicht gibt es diese Funktion auch in PCad.

  6. #6
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter-Spezialist
    Registriert seit
    werds mal probieren.

  7. #7
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter-Spezialist
    Registriert seit
    kriegs net hin. es gibt bei p-cad ne funktion die heißt autorouter oder autorouting. aber wenn ich die verwende tut sich da nix. hab hier mal den text.

    Options Net Classes

    The command lets you define a group of nets that share common rules. Collections of nets sharing the same rules are referred to as a ‘net class’.
    When you click the Net Classes button, the Net Classes dialog appears.
    This class editor allows you to create named net classes using pre-defined clearance rules or pre-defined SPECCTRA autorouter clearance rules and then assign nets to that class. You can also add user-defined attributes to the net classes for your own use.

    For net classes, you can specify pad, line, and via clearance rules. Specifying clearance rules for pairs of objects, like pad to pad clearances or line to via clearances can further refine these rules.
    Net classes are transferred from the Schematic design to PCB via the P-CAD format netlist.
    The net class information is written to binary and ASCII design files. P-CAD does not support Net Classes so this information is lost when exporting a P-CAD design to the Master Designer format.

    To create named net classes:

    1. Enter a class name in the Classes box.

    2. Click Add.

    3. To include a net from the Unassigned Nets area to the new net class you may use any of the following methods:

    • Select a single net and click the Add button.

    • Double click on a net to move it from Unassigned to Nets in this Class and vice versa.

    • Select multiple nets in a block by holding the SHIFT key while selecting the first and last nets in the block, and click Add.

    • Select individual nets by holding the CTRL key while clicking on each net, then click Add.

    • Select the first net in the list, hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the last net in the list.

    4. To remove a net from the Nets in this Class area, use the same methods detailed above, but click the Remove button instead of the Add button.

    Note: In addition to the normal selection process you may employ the Set Nets From Design Selection buttons to quickly place all currently selected nets in the design into either the Unassigned Nets or Nets in this Class areas. When no nets are selected in the design, the inactive Set Nets From Design Selection buttons are gray. If nets in either area are selected and you click the Set Nets From Design Selection button, the other selected nets become unselected..

    5. Use the Edit Attributes button to assign one or more attributes to this new net class. (See the Edit Nets command for details.)

    dass is von autorouter

    jetzt komt autorouting

    Options Configure Dialog

    The Options Configure dialog gives you the ability to set the following parameters:

    Workspace Size

    Use the controls in this frame to set the size of the current design to one of five, standard imperial sizes (A-E) or five standard metric sizes (A4-A0). Choose the User radio button to create a custom workspace size by providing values for Width and Height. The minimum size for both Width and Height is 1 inch; the maximum is 60 inches
    If you select the Size to Workspace check box and change the workspace size, the title sheet file automatically changes too. For example, when you change from an A-sized title sheet to a B-sized title sheet, the title sheet file changes from A.ttl to B.ttl. Otherwise, modifications made to the workspace size do not affect your selected title sheet.

    Title Sheets

    P-CAD Schematic includes standard title blocks and borders for annotating designs. The Title Sheets frame contains an Edit Title Sheets button. Click this button to open the Options Sheets dialog.


    Allows you to alter your display units between mils, millimeters, and inches. Dimensions are not altered, only the display of measurements is updated. A mil equals 0.001 inch or .0254 mm. A mm equals 0.001 meter. When the selected unit is mm, you can control the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point by modifying the MillimeterPrecision setting in the .ini file. The default-displayed precision is three decimal digits, but can be changed to an integer value of 2 through 5.

    This setting will affect all dialogs, reports, status line displays, etc. containing measurements. For example, setting Units to mm causes all dialogs to display measurements in millimeters. These units can be overridden in many command settings.

    Orthogonal Modes

    Orthogonal modes are for use while placing wires, buses and lines, using segments that are horizontal, vertical, and at 45-degree angles.
    Press the O key to switch between the enabled modes. You can enable or disable the orthogonal modes in the Options Configure dialog. The non-orthogonal mode, with straight-line placement at any angle, is always enabled.
    The 90/90 and 45/90 orthogonal modes are provided as mode pairs. Press the F key to switch between the mode pair of the current mode.

    n 90/90 Line-Line creates true 90-degree angles, long and short.

    n 45/90 Line-Line creates 45/90 and 90/45 angles.

    Net Increment

    The Net Increment frame contains an Increment Value edit box. The Increment Value edit box lets you specify the step value for incrementing net names: a negative value causes the name to decrement instead of increment, and a zero value disables the copy increment feature. CTRL/Drag Copy and Edit » Copy Matrix are the commands that use this increment value.


    Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) are recorded when you choose Utils » Record ECOs. From the Options Configure dialog, you can select a format for the ECO files. This setting applies to the active design.
    The ECO file is generated in an ECO format or a Was/Is format, which is compatible with Tango Series II. Choose one of the following buttons to select a format:

    n ECO Format: ECO format records full ECOs.

    n Was/Is Format: The Was/Is format records only Was/Is ECOs. It keeps track of RefDes changes only and generates a file that is compatible with Tango Series II.


    Use the controls in the AutoSave frame to enable the AutoSave feature, which regularly saves your files at a user-defined interval in a compressed or non-compressed format. AutoSave won’t be performed during autorouting or if a tool is busy.
    The following options are available:

    n Enable AutoSave: Select this check box to turn on the AutoSave feature.

    n AutoSave Time Interval: Enter the time between saves. AutoSave uses a rolling backup to save files, incrementing each subsequent autosave file.

    n Purge Previous Backups: When enabled, the option causes all backups saved from the previous design session to be deleted when you begin a new design session.

    n Number of Backup Files: Allow you to specify the number of design files to be archived before file names are reused. This must be a number between 1 and 99.

    n Compress AutoSave Files: Compresses the file so that it uses less space when saved.

    File Viewer

    Allows you to define the viewer to be used for viewing reports, log files, error reports, etc. Enter the program name (e.g., Notepad). If the program is in a directory that is not included in your system’s path statement, include the complete pathname here. For instructions, see Selecting a File Viewer.

    Zoom Factor

    Type a value in this box to adjust the amount of zoom that occurs when you choose View » Zoom In or View » Zoom Out. A Zoom Factor of 2.00 doubles (or halves) the size of objects in the Workspace, etc. The current zoom factor must be greater than 1.00.


    Allows you to adjust the amount of autopanning that occurs when you move the cursor to the edge of the screen with the arrow keys. An Autopan of 25 moves anything at the edge of the screen 25% nearer to the center of the screen; 50 moves fringe objects to the center.

    DDE Hotlinks

    Select this check box to exchange hotlink data with P-CAD PCB. Hotlink data consists of highlighting and unhighlighting commands for parts and nets. The state of the DDE Hotlinks option is saved in the Sch.ini file.

    Compress Binary Designs

    Select the Compress Binary Designs check box to enable the automatic compression of binary files whenever those files are saved.

    Add junction to a port placed in the middle of wire

    Enable this option to add a junction when a port is placed in the middle of a wire. This option is saved in the INI file. When this option is changed, there will be a global change to every open design and any design loaded afterwards.

    ich glaub ja eher dass es der autorouter is. aber ich kriegs net so ganz hin. versteh des einer?


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