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Thema: rc5 at90S8515

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    rc5 at90S8515


    Powerstation Test

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    Ganz einfache Frage:
    Hat vielleicht jemand von euch auf einem ATMEL AT90S8515 eine RC5-Routine zum Laufen bekommen? Ich will nur wissen ob dies möglich ist.


  2. #2
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    hi, hat sich erledigt habe was über google codeseacrh funktionierendes gefunden. hier :

        Title:    Philips RC-5 Remote Control Decoder
        Author:   Peter Fleury <pfleury@gmx.ch> http://jump.to/fleury
        Date:     December 2002
        Purpose:  Decodes RC5-commands
        Software: AVR-GCC 3.3
        Hardware: AT90S8515 at 4 Mhz, IR-Receiver SFH506-36
        RC5 data format:
            SB1 SB2 TB AB5 AB4 AB3 AB2 AB1 AB0 CB5 CB5 CB4 CB3 CB2 CB1 CB0
            SB = Start bit, TB = Toggle bit, AB = address bits,  CB = command bits
        Program description:
        The IR-Receiver SFH506-36 receives and demodulates the IR-signal from the
        remote control into an active-low signal, which is feed into port PD3.
        The rc5decode function first measures the length of the first start bit.
        If the start bit is recognized as a valid RC5 bi-phase code, the routine
        synchronizes into the middle of the first half of the second bit. Then the
        state is stored into variable rc5data. The function uses the edge in the
        middle of every bit to synchronize the timing. 3/4 bit length after this
        edge, the state is sampled. This is repeated for the following bits.
        The function returns the decoded RC5-command or zero if valid RC5-code
        not recognized.
        Timer0 is used as a time base. The timer0 overflow interrupt sets the
        global variable timerflag to 1.
        See also Atmel AVR Application Note AVR410
    #include <inttypes.h>
    #include <avr/io.h>
    #include <avr/interrupt.h>
    #include <avr/signal.h>
    /* this should be in <avr/io8515.h> !! */
    #define TMC8_STOP	0
    #define TMC8_CK8	_BV(CS01)
    ** Macros and constants
    #define RC5BitHigh()    (bit_is_set(PINA,PA7))
    #define RC5BitLow()     (bit_is_clear(PINA,PA7))
    #define WAITFORTIMER()  { while ( timerflag == 0); timerflag = 0; }
    #define TIMER_0_CNT 0xCA     //  111us with CLK/8 prescale
    #define RC5BITREF1  6
    #define RC5BITREF2  11
    #define RC5BITREF3  14
    ** function prototypes
    unsigned int rc5decode( void );
    ** module global variables
    static volatile uint8_t timerflag;  //must be volatile because modified by interrupt handler
    **  signal handler for timer0 overflow interrupt
        timerflag = 1;               // set global variable
        TCNT0 = TIMER_0_CNT;         // reset counter to get this interrupt again
    unsigned int rc5decode( void )
    **  decoded RC5 data is returned, or 0x0000 if RC5 data not recognized
        unsigned int    rc5data;
        unsigned char   timer, i;
        // init timer/Counter0
        TCCR0 = TMC8_CK8;                // use CLK/8 prescale
        TCNT0 = TIMER_0_CNT;             // set timer T/16 = 111us
        TIMSK = _BV(TOIE0);              // enable TCNT0 overflow interrupt
        // measure startbit
        timerflag = 0; timer = 0;
        while ( RC5BitLow() && (timer < RC5BITREF2) ) {
        if ( (timer > RC5BITREF1) && (timer < RC5BITREF2) ) {
            // startbit ok, decode
            // wait T/4: synchronize in the middle of first half of second bit
            while ( timer < RC5BITREF3 ) {
            // read the remaining bits
            rc5data = 1;
            for (i=0; i<13; i++) {
                rc5data <<= 1;
                if ( RC5BitHigh() ) {
                    rc5data |= 0x0001;
                    // wait max T/2 for H->L transition (middle of next bit)
                    timer = 0;
                    while ( RC5BitHigh() && (timer < 16) ) {
                    rc5data &= ~0x00001;
                    // wait max T/2 for L->H transition (middle of next bit)
                    timer = 0;
                    while ( RC5BitLow() && (timer < 16) ) {
                if ( timer == 16 ) {
                    rc5data = 0x0000;   // error, next bit not found
                // wait 3/4 T: await next bit
                for ( timer=0; timer < 12 ; timer++) WAITFORTIMER();
        }else {
            rc5data = 0x0000;  // error, invalid RC-5 code
        TCCR0 = TMC8_STOP;            // stop timer0
        return (rc5data);
    int main(void)
        unsigned int rc5data;
        DDRB  = 0xff;               // use all pins on port B for output
        PORTB = 0xff;
        DDRA  = 0x00;               // use all pins on port D for input
        PORTA = 0xff;               // enable internal pull-up resistors
        sei();                      // enable interrupts
        for(;;)    // loop forever
            while ( RC5BitHigh() );           // wait until RC5 code received
            rc5data = rc5decode();
            if ( rc5data & 0x2000 ) {
               PORTB = ~(rc5data & 0x003f);   // output command bits of RC5 command


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