Nach meiner mechanischen "Inspektion", bei der ich nichts auffälliges bemerkte, spielt der Antrieb nun ganz verrückt:
Jetzt dreht der rechte Antrieb grundsätzlich schneller als der linke 
Den Unterschied schätze ich auf 2-3 mal.
Die Kiste fährt jetzt in allen Programm sehr schöne Bögen. Von Hand gedreht bieten beide Seiten in etwa den gleichen mechanischen Widerstand.
Mit welchem Programm soll ich den Antrieb testen und welche Werte posten?
Wo muß/kann ich etwas einstellen?
Help please [-o<
Edit: Die Werte vom Duty-Cycle Test:
######### RP6 Robot Base Selftest #########
######### HOME VERSION v. 1.3 - 25.09.2007 #########
##### Main Menu ######### Advanced Menu #####
# # #
# 0 - Run ALL Selftests (0-8) # s - Move at speed Test #
# 1 - PowerOn Test # d - Move distance Test #
# 2 - LED Test # c - Encoder Duty-Cycle Test #
# 3 - Voltage Sensor Test # #
# 4 - Bumper Test # #
# 5 - Light Sensor Test # #
# 6 - ACS (and RC5 receive) Test # #
# 7 - IRCOMM/RC5 Test # System voltage is: #
# 8 - Motors and Encoders Test # 07.78V #
# # #
# Please enter your choice (1-8, s, d, c)! #
# c
Encoder Duty Cycle test
Make sure that the RP6 can __NOT__ move!
The caterpillar tracks should __NOT__ touch the ground!
(hold it in your hands for example...)
Speed regulation is disabled - the motors get constant Power!
This allows you to adjust the small potis on the Encoders
to set the duty cycle properly.
Optimal is a value of 50% - but if it jumps up and down between
20% and 80% this is also OK.
A few "BAD!!!" messages (maybe 2 each 5 seconds) are normal and
nothing to worry about.
The Software measurement used here is not perfect at all!
If there are more error messages - you need to adjust the potis a bit
to make it work!
Usage: Enter PWM values like:
0, 25, 94, 100, 120 (LIMITED MAXIMUM!!!) and hit Enter! Default value is 55!
Enter "end" or "x" and hit return when you want to stop the test!
Enter "fwd", "bwd", "l" or "r" to change direction!
Enter "x" and hit return when you are ready to START!
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 58% OK | VL:40 | VR:4
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 67% OK | VL:69 | VR:22
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 69% OK | VL:68 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 52% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 60% OK | VL:69 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 50% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 87% BAD ! | VL:68 | VR:20
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 53% OK | VL:70 | VR:24
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 48% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 42% OK | VL:70 | VR:20
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 48% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 50% OK | VL:68 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 50% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 47% OK | VL:67 | VR:20
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 50% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 43% OK | VL:68 | VR:24
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 53% OK | VL:68 | VR:20
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 64% OK | VL:68 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 48% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 71% OK | VL:68 | VR:21
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 47% OK | VL:68 | VR:27
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 46% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 73% OK | VL:69 | VR:22
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 52% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 90% BAD ! | VL:70 | VR:26
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 31% OK | VL:70 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 54% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 67% OK | VL:71 | VR:22
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 75% BAD ! | VL:69 | VR:26
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 88% BAD ! | VL:67 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 57% OK | VL:67 | VR:19
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 71% OK | VL:66 | VR:23
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 52% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 35% OK | VL:68 | VR:22
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 50% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 72% OK | VL:68 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 45% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 85% BAD ! | VL:68 | VR:18
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 50% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 80% BAD ! | VL:70 | VR:23
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 46% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 57% OK | VL:71 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 71% OK | VL:70 | VR:21
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 57% OK | VL:70 | VR:27
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 68% OK | VL:67 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 80% BAD ! | VL:67 | VR:26
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 89% BAD ! | VL:66 | VR:22
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 72% OK | VL:67 | VR:20
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 52% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 60% OK | VL:68 | VR:26
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 52% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 72% OK | VL:69 | VR:18
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 54% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 75% BAD ! | VL:70 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 75% BAD ! | VL:70 | VR:23
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 52% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 66% OK | VL:70 | VR:25
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 72% OK | VL:69 | VR:18
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 48% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 49% OK | VL:70 | VR:22
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 49% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 51% OK | VL:67 | VR:24
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 48% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 60% OK | VL:67 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 49% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 75% BAD ! | VL:67 | VR:20
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 49% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 57% OK | VL:68 | VR:27
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 46% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 55% OK | VL:68 | VR:17
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 63% OK | VL:69 | VR:22
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 75% BAD ! | VL:69 | VR:26
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 47% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 76% BAD ! | VL:68 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 57% OK | VL:70 | VR:23
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 68% OK | VL:69 | VR:25
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 50% OK | VL:70 | VR:16
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 55% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 63% OK | VL:68 | VR:26
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 54% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 74% OK | VL:67 | VR:17
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 54% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 84% BAD ! | VL:68 | VR:18
Duty Cycle + LEFT: 53% -> OK || Duty Cycle + RIGHT: 59% OK | VL:67 | VR:25