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Thema: SD-Karte: Init + FAT-Infos geht, Sektoren auslesen nicht.

  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer Robotik Einstein Avatar von Jaecko
    Registriert seit
    Lkr. Rottal/Inn

    SD-Karte: Init + FAT-Infos geht, Sektoren auslesen nicht.


    LiFePo4 Akku selber bauen - Video

    Hab nun endlich mal eine elektrische Lösung gefunden, um eine SD-Karte an nem AVR zu betreiben (wurde doch die Adapterplatine von Display3000)

    Von der Verbindung her geh ich davon aus, dass alles passt, da bei dem unten angefügten Testprogramm die Initialisierung sowie das Auslesen der FAT-Daten klappt.

    Problem: Sobald Sektoren "manuell" gelesen werden sollen, wird der erste Sektor mit Fehler 229 ("No Data response Byte from MMC at Read"), die weiteren mit Fehler 227 ("Error response Byte at Read Command") "bestätigt"; Inhalt des Sektorbuffers ist dann durchgehend 0.

    Hier mal die Ausgaben am Terminal, nachdem eine Karte erkannt wurde:
    Trying to read File system...
    Filesystem: 11
    FAT Start Sector: 127
    Root Start Sector: 2071
    Data First Sector: 2071
    Max. Cluster Nummber: 123895
    Sectors per Cluster: 4
    Root Entries: 0
    Sectors per FAT: 972
    Number of FATs: 2
    Disksize : 247788
    Disk free: 74334
    Da die Informationen soweit korrekt sind, geh ich davon aus, dass die Kommunikation zwischen AVR und Karte funktioniert.

    Hier die verwendeten Sources:

    sdtest.bas (Ich weiss, nicht sonderlich "ordentlich", aber ist ja nur mal ein Test)
    'µC: ATMega2560; HW/SOFT/FRAMESIZE:  82/68/68
    $include "config_mmc.bas"
    $include "config_avr-dos.bas"
    Config PORTD.5 = Output
    LED Alias PortD.5
    Toggle LED
    Waitms 500
    Toggle LED
    waitms 500
    Toggle LED
    Dim tmpbyte as Byte
    DIM BTemp1 as Byte
    DIM SDBuffer(520) as Byte
    dim tmpword as Word
    dim Sector as Word
    dim bufptr as long
    Config PortC.0 = Output
      SDOn Alias PORTC.0
    CONFIG PORTC.2 = Input        ' Card detect switch
      PORTC.2 = 1
    CONFIG PORTC.3 = Input        'Write protection switch
      PORTC.3 = 1
      CONFIG COM4 = 9600 , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
      OPEN "COM4:" for Binary As #4
      SDOn = 1
      wait 1
      print #4 , "Running..."
      print #4 , chr(12)
      If DETECT = 0 Then
        tmpbyte = Driveinit()     ' Init MMC/SD Card
        print #4 , "Init: " ; str(tmpbyte)
        print #4 , "Trying to read File system..."
        Btemp1 = Initfilesystem(1)       ' Partition 1
        print #4 , "Wait..."
                                              ' use 0 for drive without Master boot record
      If Btemp1 <> 0 Then
         Print #4 , "Error: " ; Btemp1 ; " at Init file system"
         Print #4 , " OK"
         Print #4 , "Filesystem: " ; Gbfilesystem
         Print #4 , "FAT Start Sector: " ; Glfatfirstsector
         Print #4 , "Root Start Sector: " ; Glrootfirstsector
         Print #4 , "Data First Sector: " ; Gldatafirstsector
         Print #4 , "Max. Cluster Nummber: " ; Glmaxclusternumber
         Print #4 , "Sectors per Cluster: " ; Gbsectorspercluster
         Print #4 , "Root Entries: " ; Gwrootentries
         Print #4 , "Sectors per FAT: " ; Glsectorsperfat
         Print #4 , "Number of FATs: " ; Gbnumberoffats
         Print #4 , "Disksize : " ; Disksize()       ' show disk size in bytes
         Print #4 , "Disk free: " ; Diskfree()       ' show free space too
         bufptr = VarPtr(SDBuffer(1))
        For Sector = 0 to 8000
        SDOn= 1
         tmpbyte = DriveReadSector(bufptr , Sector)
          Print #4 , "Sector Read Result: " ; str(tmpbyte)
         For tmpword = 1 to 512
           if SDBuffer(tmpword) > 0 Then Print #4 , "Data: " ; SDBuffer(tmpword) ; " in Sector " ; Sector
         if DETECT = 1 Then Goto NoCard
        wait 1
      print #4 , "Done"
         ' Get first Sector
      End If
      if DETECT = 1 Then Goto NoCard
      If WPROT = 1 Then
        Print #4 , "Card protected"
        Print #4 , "Card open"
      if DETECT = 0 Then Goto Card:
    '                         Config_MMC.BAS
    '               Config File for MMC Flash Cards Driver
    '        (c) 2003-2005 , MCS Electronics / Vögel Franz Josef
    ' Place MMC.LIB in the LIB-Path of BASCOM-AVR installation
    'Connection as following
    'MMC    M128/M103
    '1      MMC_CS PORTB.0
    '2      MOSI PORTB.2
    '3      GND
    '4      +3.3V
    '5      CLOCK PORTB.1
    '6      GND
    '7      MISO, PORTB.3
    ' you can vary MMC_CS on HW-SPI and all pins on SOFT-SPI, check settings
    ' ========== Start of user definable range =====================================
    ' you can use HW-SPI of the AVR (recommended) or a driver build in Soft-SPI, if
    ' the HW-SPI of the AVR is occupied by an other SPI-Device with different settings
    ' Declare here you SPI-Mode
    ' using HW-SPI:     cMMC_Soft = 0
    ' not using HW_SPI: cMMC_Soft = 1
    Const Cmmc_soft = 0
    #if Cmmc_soft = 0
    ' --------- Start of Section for HW-SPI ----------------------------------------
       ' define Chip-Select Pin
       Config PinC.1 = Output     ' define here Pin for CS of MMC/SD Card
       Mmc_cs Alias PortC.1
       Set Mmc_cs
       ' Define here SS Pin of HW-SPI of the CPU (f.e. Pinb.0 on M128)
       Config Pinb.0 = Output     ' define here Pin of SPI SS
       Spi_ss Alias Portb.0
       Set Spi_ss                 ' Set SPI-SS to Output and High por Proper work of
                                                      ' SPI as Master
       ' HW-SPI is configured to highest Speed
       Config Spi = Hard , Interrupt = Off , Data Order = Msb , Master = Yes , Polarity = High , Phase = 1 , Clockrate = 128 , Noss = 1
       Spsr = 1                   ' Double speed on ATMega128
       Spiinit                    ' Init SPI
    ' --------- End of Section for HW-SPI ------------------------------------------
    #else                         ' Config here SPI pins, if not using HW SPI
    ' --------- Start of Section for Soft-SPI --------------------------------------
       ' Chip Select Pin  => Pin 1 of MMC/SD
       Config PinC.1 = Output
       Mmc_cs Alias PortC.1
       Set Mmc_cs
       ' MOSI - Pin  => Pin 2 of MMC/SD
       Config PinB.2 = Output
       Set PinB.2
       Mmc_portmosi Alias PortB
       Bmmc_mosi Alias 2
       ' MISO - Pin  => Pin 7 of MMC/SD
       Config PinB.3 = Input
       Mmc_portmiso Alias PinB
       Bmmc_miso Alias 3
       ' SCK - Pin  => Pin 5 of MMC/SD
       Config PinB.1 = Output
       Set PinB.1
       Mmc_portsck Alias PortB
       Bmmc_sck Alias 1
    ' --------- End of Section for Soft-SPI ----------------------------------------
    ' ========== End of user definable range =======================================
    ' Error
    Const Cperrdrivereset = 225   ' Error response Byte at Reset command
    Const Cperrdriveinit = 226    ' Error response Byte at Init Command
    Const Cperrdrivereadcommand = 227       ' Error response Byte at Read Command
    Const Cperrdrivewritecommand = 228       ' Error response Byte at Write Command
    Const Cperrdrivereadresponse = 229       ' No Data response Byte from MMC at Read
    Const Cperrdrivewriteresponse = 230       ' No Data response Byte from MMC at Write
    Const Cperrdrive = 231
    Const Cperrdrivenotsupported = 232       ' return code for DriveGetIdentity, not supported yet
    Wait 1                        ' Wait some time before initialising MMC/SD
    Dim Gbdriveerror As Byte      ' General Driver Error register
    Dim Gbdriveerrorreg As Byte   ' Driver load Error-Register of HD in case of error
    Dim Gbdrivestatusreg As Byte  ' Driver load Status-Register of HD on case of error
    Dim Gbdrivedebug As Byte
    $lib "MMC.LIB"                ' link driver library
    $external _mmc
    'Gbdriveerror = Driveinit()    ' Init MMC/SD Card
    ' Config File-System for Version 5.5:
    ' === User Settings ============================================================
    ' Count of file-handles, each file-handle needs 524 Bytes of SRAM
    Const Cfilehandles = 2        ' [default = 2]
    ' Handling of FAT-Buffer in SRAM:
    ' 0 = FAT- and DIR-Buffer is handled in one SRAM buffer with 561 bytes
    ' 1 = FAT- and DIR-Buffer is handled in separate SRAM buffers with 1078 bytes
    ' Parameter 1 increased speed of file-handling
    Const Csepfathandle = 1       ' [default = 1]
    ' Handling of pending FAT and Directory information of open files
    ' 0 = FAT and Directory Information is updated every time a data sector of the file is updated
    ' 1 = FAT and Directory Information is only updated at FLUSH and SAVE command
    ' Parameter 1 increases writing speed of data significantly
    Const Cfatdirsaveatend = 1    ' [default = 1]
    ' Surrounding String with Quotation Marks at the Command WRITE
    ' 0 = No Surrounding of strings with quotation.marks
    ' 1 = Surrounding of strings with quotation.marks (f.E. "Text")
    Const Ctextquotationmarks = 1 ' [default = 1]
    ' Write second FAT. Windows accepts a not updated second FAT
    ' PC-Command: chkdsk /f corrects the second FAT, it overwrites the
    ' second FAT with the first FAT
    ' set this parameter to 0 for high speed continuing saving data
    ' 0 = Second FAT is not updated
    ' 1 = Second FAT is updated if exist
    Const Cfatsecondupdate = 1    ' [default = 1]
    ' Character to separate ASCII Values in WRITE - statement (and INPUT)
    ' Normally a comma (,) is used. but it can be changed to other values, f.E.
    ' to TAB (ASCII-Code 9) if EXCEL Files with Tab separated values should be
    ' written or read. This parameter works for WRITE and INPUT
    ' Parameter value is the ASSCII-Code of the separator
    ' 44 = comma [default]
    ' 9 = TAB                                                  ' [default = 44]
    Const Cvariableseparator = 44
    ' === End of User Setting ======================================================
    ' === Variables for AVR-DOS ====================================================
    ' FileSystem Basis Informationen
    Dim Gldrivesectors As Long
    Dim Gbdoserror As Byte
    ' Master Boot Record
    Dim Gbfilesystem As Byte
    ' Partition Boot Record
    Dim Gbfilesystemstatus As Byte
    Dim Glfatfirstsector As Long
    Dim Gbnumberoffats As Byte
    Dim Glsectorsperfat As Long
    Dim Glrootfirstsector As Long
    Dim Gwrootentries As Word
    Dim Gldatafirstsector As Long
    Dim Gbsectorspercluster As Byte
    Dim Glmaxclusternumber As Long
    Dim Gllastsearchedcluster As Long
    ' Additional info
    Dim Glfs_temp1 As Long
    ' Block für Directory Handling
    Dim Gldirfirstsectornumber As Long
    Dim Gwfreedirentry As Word
    Dim Glfreedirsectornumber As Long
    Dim Gsdir0tempfilename As String * 11
    Dim Gwdir0entry As Word       ' Keep together with next, otherwise change _DIR
    Dim Gldir0sectornumber As Long
    Dim Gstempfilename As String * 11
    Dim Gwdirentry As Word
    Dim Gldirsectornumber As Long
    Dim Gbdirbufferstatus As Byte
    Dim Gbdirbuffer(512) As Byte
    Const C_filesystemsramsize1 = 594
    #if Csepfathandle = 1
    Dim Glfatsectornumber As Long
    Dim Gbfatbufferstatus As Byte
    Dim Gbfatbuffer(512) As Byte
    Const C_filesystemsramsize2 = 517
    Const C_filesystemsramsize2 = 0
    ' File Handle Block
    Const Co_filenumber = 0
    Const Co_filemode = 1
    Const Co_filedirentry = 2 : Const Co_filedirentry_2 = 3
    Const Co_filedirsectornumber = 4
    Const Co_filefirstcluster = 8
    Const Co_filesize = 12
    Const Co_fileposition = 16
    Const Co_filesectornumber = 20
    Const Co_filebufferstatus = 24
    Const Co_filebuffer = 25
    Const C_filehandlesize = Co_filebuffer + 513       ' incl. one Additional Byte for 00 as string terminator
                                                                 ' for direct text reading from File-buffer
    Const C_filehandlesize_m = 65536 - C_filehandlesize       ' for use with add immediate word with subi, sbci
                                                                 ' = minus c_FileHandleSize in Word-Format
    Const C_filehandlessize = C_filehandlesize * Cfilehandles
    Dim Abfilehandles(c_filehandlessize) As Byte
    Const C_filesystemsramsize = C_filesystemsramsize1 + C_filesystemsramsize2 + C_filehandlessize
    ' End of variables for AVR-DOS ================================================
    ' Definitions of Constants ====================================================
    ' Bit definiton for FileSystemStatus
    Dfilesystemstatusfat Alias 0 : Const Dfilesystemstatusfat = 0       ' 0 = FAT16, 1 = FAT32
    Dfilesystemsubdir Alias 1 : Const Dfilesystemsubdir = 1       ' 0 = Root-Directory, 1 = Sub-Directory
    Const Dmfilesystemsubdir =(2 ^ Dfilesystemsubdir)       ' not used yet
    Const Dmfilesystemdirincluster =(2 ^ Dfilesystemstatusfat + 2 ^ Dfilesystemsubdir)       ' not used yet
    Dfatsecondupdate Alias 7 : Const Dfatsecondupdate = 7       ' Bit-position for parameter of
                                                                 ' Update second FAT in gbFileSystemStatus
    ' Bit Definitions for BufferStatus (FAT, DIR, File)
    Deof Alias 1 : Const Deof = 1 : Const Dmeof =(2 ^ Deof)
    Deofinsector Alias 2 : Const Deofinsector = 2 : Const Dmeofinsector =(2 ^ Deofinsector)
    Dwritepending Alias 3 : Const Dwritepending = 3 : Const Dmwritepending =(2 ^ Dwritepending)
    Dfatsector Alias 4 : Const Dfatsector = 4 : Const Dmfatsector =(2 ^ Dfatsector)       ' For Writing Sector back (FATNumber times)
    Dfileempty Alias 5 : Const Dfileempty = 5 : Const Dmfileempty =(2 ^ Dfileempty)
    ' New feature for reduce saving
    Dfatdirwritepending Alias 6 : Const Dfatdirwritepending = 6 : Const Dmfatdirwritepending =(2 ^ Dfatdirwritepending)
    Dfatdirsaveatend Alias 7 : Const Dfatdirsaveatend = 7 : Const Dmfatdirsaveatend =(2 ^ Dfatdirsaveatend)
    Dfatdirsaveanyway Alias 0 : Const Dfatdirsaveanyway = 0 : Const Dmfatdirsaveanyway =(2 ^ Dfatdirsaveanyway)
    Const Dmeofall =(2 ^ Deof + 2 ^ Deofinsector)
    Const Dmeof_empty =(2 ^ Deof + 2 ^ Deofinsector + 2 ^ Dfileempty)
    Const Cp_fatbufferinitstatus =(2 ^ Dfatsector)
    Const Cp_dirbufferinitstatus = 0
    #if Cfatdirsaveatend = 1
    Const Cp_filebufferinitstatus =(2 ^ Dfatdirsaveatend)
    Const Cp_filebufferinitstatus = 0
    #if Cfatsecondupdate = 0
       Const Cp_fatsecondupdate =(2 ^ Dfatsecondupdate)
       Const Cp_fatsecondupdate = 0
    ' Bit definitions for FileMode (Similar to DOS File Attribut)
    Dreadonly Alias 0 : Const Dreadonly = 0
    'Const cpFileReadOnly = &H21             ' Archiv and read-only Bit set
    Const Cpfilewrite = &H20      ' Archiv Bit set
    ' Error Codes
    ' Group Number is upper nibble of Error-Code
    ' Group 0 (0-15): No Error or File End Information
    Const Cpnoerror = 0
    Const Cpendoffile = 1
    ' Group 1 (17-31): File System Init
    Const Cpnombr = 17
    Const Cpnopbr = 18
    Const Cpfilesystemnotsupported = 19
    Const Cpsectorsizenotsupported = 20
    Const Cpsectorsperclusternotsupported = 21
    Const Cpcountofclustersnotsupported = 22
    ' Group 2 (32-47): FAT - Error
    Const Cpnonextcluster = 33
    Const Cpnofreecluster = 34
    Const Cpclustererror = 35
    ' Group 3 (49-63): Directory Error
    Const Cpnofreedirentry = 49
    Const Cpfileexists = 50
    Const Cpfiledeletenotallowed = 51
    Const Cpsubdirectorynotempty = 52
    Const Cpsubdirectoryerror = 53
    Const Cpnotasubdirectory = 54
    ' Group 4 (65-79): File Handle
    Const Cpnofreefilenumber = 65
    Const Cpfilenotfound = 66
    Const Cpfilenumbernotfound = 67
    Const Cpfileopennohandle = 68
    Const Cpfileopenhandleinuse = 69
    Const Cpfileopenshareconflict = 70
    Const Cpfileinuse = 71
    Const Cpfilereadonly = 72
    Const Cpfilenowildcardallowed = 73
    Const Cpfilenumberinvalid = 74       ' Zero is not allowed
    ' Group 7 (97-127): other errors
    Const Cpfilepositionerror = 97
    Const Cpfileaccesserror = 98
    Const Cpinvalidfileposition = 99
    Const Cpfilesizetogreat = 100
    Const Cpdrivererrorstart = &HC0
    ' Range 224 to 255 is reserved for Driver
    ' Other Constants
    ' File Open Mode /  stored in File-handle return-value of Fileattr(FN#, [1])
    Const Cpfileopeninput = 1     ' Read
    Const Cpfileopenoutput = 2    ' Write sequential
    'Const cpFileOpenRandom = 4              ' not in use yet
    Const Cpfileopenappend = 8    ' Write sequential; first set Pointer to end
    Const Cpfileopenbinary = 32   ' Read and Write; Pointer can be changed by user
    ' permission Masks for file access routine regarding to the file open mode
    Const Cfilewrite_mode = &B00101010       ' Binary, Append, Output
    Const Cfileread_mode = &B00100001       ' Binary, Input
    Const Cfileseekset_mode = &B00100000       ' Binary
    Const Cfileinputline = &B00100001       ' Binary, Input
    Const Cfileput_mode = &B00100000       ' Binary
    Const Cfileget_mode = &B00100000       ' Binary
    ' Directory attributs in FAT16/32
    Const Cpfileopenallowed = &B00100001       ' Read Only and Archiv may be set
    Const Cpfiledeleteallowed = &B00100000
    Const Cpfilesearchallowed = &B00111101       ' Do no search hidden Files
    ' Bit 0 = Read Only
    ' Bit 1 = Hidden
    ' Bit 2 = System
    ' Bit 3 = Volume ID
    ' Bit 4 = Directory
    ' Bit 5 = Archiv
    ' Long File name has Bit 0+1+2+3 set
    Dim Lastdosmem As Byte
    $lib "AVR-DOS.Lbx"
    Sieht da irgendwo jemand noch nen Fehler?

    #ifndef MfG
    #define MfG

  2. #2
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter Genie
    Registriert seit
    Hallo Jaecko,
    du hast Sector als Word deklariert, sollte eigentlich Long sein.
    Vielleicht nimmt er daher ganz andere Sektoren, als du denkst.



  3. #3
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter Genie
    Registriert seit
    Hallo Jaecko,
    ich habe gerade mal dein Programm geflasht, aber alles weggelassen, was ich so an externer hardware nicht habe. Ich benutze SOft-SPI.
    Wenn ich es mit DIM SECTOR AS WORD mache, kommt so ein Output:

    Init: 0
    Trying to read File system...
    Filesystem: 6
    FAT Start Sector: 250
    Root Start Sector: 736
    Data First Sector: 768
    Max. Cluster Nummber: 62067
    Sectors per Cluster: 32
    Root Entries: 512
    Sectors per FAT: 243
    Number of FATs: 2
    Disksize : 993056
    Disk free: 51040
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229
    Sector Read Result: 229

    Wenn ich es mit DIM SECTOR AS LONG mache, dann dies:

    Init: 0
    Trying to read File system...
    Filesystem: 6
    FAT Start Sector: 250
    Root Start Sector: 736
    Data First Sector: 768
    Max. Cluster Nummber: 62067
    Sectors per Cluster: 32
    Root Entries: 512
    Sectors per FAT: 243
    Number of FATs: 2
    Disksize : 993056
    Disk free: 51040
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Data: 3 in Sector 0
    Data: 61 in Sector 0
    Data: 6 in Sector 0
    Data: 28 in Sector 0
    Data: 252 in Sector 0
    Data: 217 in Sector 0
    Data: 249 in Sector 0
    Data: 7 in Sector 0
    Data: 83 in Sector 0
    Data: 30 in Sector 0
    Data: 85 in Sector 0
    Data: 170 in Sector 0
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Sector Read Result: 0
    Sector Read Result: 0

    wobei ich nur die ersten 10 Sektoren ausgegeben habe.
    Meine SD ist 1GB groß, enthält 6 Files und ist fast voll.



  4. #4
    Erfahrener Benutzer Robotik Einstein Avatar von Jaecko
    Registriert seit
    Lkr. Rottal/Inn
    Thx... Stimmt, lag tatsächlich am Typ. Kaum isses long, schon gehts.
    #ifndef MfG
    #define MfG


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