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Thema: Problem mit Grafik Fonts und T6963C

  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer Begeisterter Techniker
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    Problem mit Grafik Fonts und T6963C


    Praxistest und DIY Projekte

    für mein 240x128 Lcd mit T6963C Controller benutze ich die Sub´s von Evert Dekker. Probleme habe ich mit dem 16x16 Font. Wenn ich einen Text mit 16x16 Font schreibe, dann sehe ich aber nur 16x8 Pixel. Also der Text wird in der Mitte abgetrennt. Ich sehe nur den die hälfte der 16 Pixel. Wenn ich den Text aber um 180° drehe, dann wird er zwar auf dem kopf dargestellt, aber dafür in 16x16 Pixel. Ich kann mir keinen Reim draus machen, was für unterschiede zwischen der Funktion 0° Drehung und 180° Drehung bestehen. Wäre super, wenn Ihr mal über den Code drüber schauen könntet und mir vielleicht helfen würdet.

    mfg Kay

    $regfile = "m128def.DAT"
    $crystal = 7372800
    $baud = 19200
    $hwstack = 100
    $swstack = 120
    $framesize = 100
    Config Graphlcd = 240 * 128 , Dataport = Porta , Controlport = Portc , Ce = 3 , Cd = 0 , Wr = 2 , Rd = 1 , Reset = 4 , Fs = 5 , Mode = 6
    Cursor Off
    Declare Sub Lcdtext(byval S As String , Byval Xoffset As Byte , Byval Yoffset As Byte , Byval Fontset As Byte , Byval Inverse As Byte , Byval Rotation As Byte)
    'SYNTAX  Lcdtest String , Xoffset , Yoffset , Fontset , Inverse , Rotation
    '* Xoffset and Yoffset is in pixels, so you can place text on every spot on the display
    '* You determin yourself in the subroutine witch font belongs to the fontset
    '=== Your main prog here ====
    Lcdtext "5X5 Font" , 10 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 0
    Lcdtext "8X8 Font" , 2 , 120 , 2 , 1 , 3
    Lcdtext "6X8 Font" , 10 , 20 , 3 , 0 , 0
    Lcdtext "16X16 font" , 10 , 30 , 2 , 0 , 0
    Lcdtext "Inverted" , 10 , 85 , 2 , 1 , 0
    Lcdtext "If you can't read this then incr. Swstack" , 1 , 120 , 4 , 0 , 0
    Wait 10
    Lcdtext "0 deg.Rotation" , 10 , 10 , 1 , 0 , 0
    Lcdtext "90 deg.Rotation" , 170 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1
    Lcdtext "180 deg.Rotation" , 120 , 20 , 1 , 0 , 2
    Lcdtext "270 deg.Rotation" , 200 , 120 , 1 , 0 , 3
    Lcdtext "Also inverted" , 150 , 80 , 1 , 1 , 2
    Lcdtext "Every font" , 150 , 100 , 2 , 0 , 2
    Wait 10
    '=== Sub Routines ===
    Sub Lcdtext(byval S As String , Xoffset As Byte , Yoffset As Byte , Fontset As Byte , Inverse As Byte , Rotation As Byte)
    Local Tempstring As String * 1 , Temp As Byte               'Dim local the variables
    Local A As Byte , Pixels As Byte , Count As Byte , Carcount As Byte , Lus As Byte
    Local Row As Byte , Byteseach As Byte , Blocksize As Byte , Dummy As Byte
    Local Colums As Byte , Columcount As Byte , Rowcount As Byte , Stringsize As Byte
    Local Xpos As Byte , Ypos As Byte , Pixel As Byte , Pixelcount As Byte
    If Inverse > 1 Then Inverse = 0                             'Inverse can't be greater then 1
    If Rotation > 3 Then Rotation = 0                           'There are only 4 rotation's
    Stringsize = Len(s) - 1                                     'Size of the text string -1 because we must start with 0
    For Carcount = 0 To Stringsize                              'Loop for the numbers of caracters that must be displayed
     If Fontset = 1 Then Restore Font8x8                        'Add or remove here fontset's that you need or not,
     If Fontset = 2 Then Restore Font16x16                      'this is the name that you gave to the font, NOT the filename
     If Fontset = 3 Then Restore Font6x8                        'If you dont know the name, open the font file in wordpad, and there it is,
     If Fontset = 4 Then Restore Font5x5                        'right on top.
     Temp = Carcount + 1                                        'Cut the text string in seperate caracters
    Tempstring = Mid(s , Temp , 1)
    Read Row : Read Byteseach : Read Blocksize : Read Dummy     'Read the first 4 bytes from the font file
    Temp = Asc(tempstring) - 32                                 'Font files start with caracter 32
    For Lus = 1 To Temp                                         'Do dummie read to point to the correct line in the fontfile
       For Count = 1 To Blocksize
        Read Pixels
       Next Count
    Next Lus
    Colums = Blocksize / Row                                    'Calculate the numbers of colums
    Row = Row * 8                                               'Row is always 8 pixels high = 1 byte, so working with row in steps of 8.
    Row = Row - 1                                               'Want to start with row=0 instead of 1
    Colums = Colums - 1                                         'Same for the colums
    Select Case Rotation
        Case 0                                                  '0 degrees rotation
                For Rowcount = 0 To Row Step 8                  'Loop for numbers of rows
                      A = Rowcount + Yoffset
                      For Columcount = 0 To Colums              'Loop for numbers of Colums
                          Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels       'Read the byte from the file and if inverse = true then invert de byte
                          Xpos = Columcount                     'Do some calculation to get the caracter on the correct Xposition
                          Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
                          Xpos = Xpos + Temp
                          Xpos = Xpos + Xoffset
                              For Pixelcount = 0 To 7           'Loop for 8 pixels to be set or not
                                 Ypos = A + Pixelcount          'Each pixel on his own spot
                                 Pixel = Pixels.0               'Set the pixel (or not)
                                 Pset Xpos , Ypos , Pixel       'Finaly we can set the pixel
                                 Shift Pixels , Right           'Shift the byte 1 bit to the right so the next pixel comes availible
                              Next Pixel
                      Next Columcount
                Next Rowcount
        Case 1                                                  '90 degrees rotation
                For Rowcount = Row To 0 Step -8                 'Loop is now counting down
                      A = Rowcount + Xoffset
                      A = A - 15                                'Correction to set Xpos on Xoffset with rotation
                      For Columcount = 0 To Colums
                          Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels
                          Xpos = Columcount
                          Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
                          Xpos = Xpos + Temp
                          Xpos = Xpos + Yoffset                 'We want that Xoffset is still Xoffset, so we need here the change from x to y
                                 For Pixelcount = 7 To 0 Step -1
                                    Ypos = A + Pixelcount
                                    Pixel = Pixels.0
                                    Pset Ypos , Xpos , Pixel
                                    Shift Pixels , Right
                                 Next Pixel
                      Next Columcount
                Next Rowcount
        Case 2                                                  '180 degrees rotation
                For Rowcount = Row To 0 Step -8
                      A = Rowcount + Yoffset
                      A = A - 7                                 'Correction to set Xpos on Xoffset with rotation
                      For Columcount = Colums To 0 Step -1
                          Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels
                          Xpos = Columcount
                          Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
                          Xpos = Xpos - Temp
                          Xpos = Xpos - 8                       'Correction to set Xpos on Xoffset with rotation
                          Xpos = Xpos + Xoffset
                              For Pixelcount = 7 To 0 Step -1
                                 Ypos = A + Pixelcount
                                 Pixel = Pixels.0
                                 Pset Xpos , Ypos , Pixel
                                 Shift Pixels , Right
                              Next Pixel
                      Next Columcount
                Next Rowcount
        Case 3                                                  '270 degrees rotation
                For Rowcount = 0 To Row Step 8
                      A = Rowcount + Xoffset
                        For Columcount = Colums To 0 Step -1
                          Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels
                          Xpos = Columcount
                          Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
                          Xpos = Xpos - Temp
                          Xpos = Xpos - 8                       'Correction to set Xpos on Xoffset with rotation
                          Xpos = Xpos + Yoffset
                                 For Pixelcount = 0 To 7
                                    Ypos = A + Pixelcount
                                    Pixel = Pixels.0
                                    Pset Ypos , Xpos , Pixel
                                    Shift Pixels , Right
                                 Next Pixel
                      Next Columcount
                Next Rowcount
    End Select
    Next Carcount
    End Sub                                                     'End of this amazing subroutine
    '=== Includes ===
    $include "Font8x8.font"                       'Includes here your font files
    $include "Font16x16.font"                     'If you don't need the files in your program, don't include them,
    $include "Font6x8.font"                       'these are flash memory eaters.
    $include "Font5x5.font"

  2. #2
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    nähe Hannover
    Hallo alle miteinander.

    Auch wenn der erste Beitrag schon ein wenig älter ist, ich habe grad exact das selbe Problem. Gib es ein Lösung dafür? Ich habe nirgens was finden können.

    Viele Dank und viele Grüße


  3. #3
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    nähe Hannover
    ...kleiner Nachtrag: Ich habe noch ein "ältere" Version gefunden. Mit dieser Version funzt es einwandfrei.

    Ich werde mich mal hilfesuchend an das mcselec-Forum wenden. Evtl. hängt das ja mit der aktuellen Version zusammen.


  4. #4
    Erfahrener Benutzer Roboter Genie
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    da Evert überall die For-Schleifen mit negativen Step benutzt hat, denke ich, dass wieder der bekannte Bug zugeschlagen hat. Ich dachte allerdings, der wäre in der Version beseitigt.



  5. #5
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    nähe Hannover
    Zitat Zitat von for_ro
    da Evert überall die For-Schleifen mit negativen Step benutzt hat, denke ich, dass wieder der bekannte Bug zugeschlagen hat. Ich dachte allerdings, der wäre in der Version beseitigt.


    Hallo Rolf.

    Danke für Deine Antwort. Ich bin noch nicht so bewandert in Bascom, vor allem in der Historie bekannter Bugs. Kannst Du ein wenig ausführlicher werden? Oder anders herum gefragt, gibt es ein Workaround dafür ausser die Schleifen anders zu gestalten?


    ...habe grad nochmal in den Code geschaut. Da wo es um die normale, nicht gedrehte Ausgabe geht wird keine Schleife mit negativem Step verwendet. Und die gedrehten Ausgaben funktionieren ja:

    Select Case Rotation
        Case 0                    '0 degrees rotation
                For Rowcount = 0 To Row Step 8       'Loop for numbers of rows
                      A = Rowcount + Yoffset
                      For Columcount = 0 To Colums       'Loop for numbers of Colums
                          Read Pixels : If Inverse = 1 Then Toggle Pixels       'Read the byte from the file and if inverse = true then invert de byte
                          Xpos = Columcount       'Do some calculation to get the caracter on the correct Xposition
                          Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
                          Xpos = Xpos + Temp
                          Xpos = Xpos + Xoffset
                              For Pixelcount = 0 To 7       'Loop for 8 pixels to be set or not
                                 Ypos = A + Pixelcount       'Each pixel on his own spot
                                 Pixel = Pixels.0       'Set the pixel (or not)
                                 Pset Xpos , Ypos , Pixel       'Finaly we can set the pixel
                                 Shift Pixels , Right       'Shift the byte 1 bit to the right so the next pixel comes availible
                              Next Pixel
                      Next Columcount
                Next Rowcount


    Gruß // André

  6. #6
    Neuer Benutzer Öfters hier
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    nähe Hannover

    Evert hat sich im mcselec Forum zu Wort gemeldet. Ich habe noch mit dem Build2 gearbeitet. Nach einem Update auf Build3 lief alles wunderbar.

    Gruss // André


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