everything i know about the gns9810 i already explained in the thread https://www.roboternetz.de/phpBB2/ze...ag.php?t=32523 and in my PM to you:
i don´t know if and how the mouse will work with your navigation software, because i never used any.hi sullivan,
sorry to tell you that i don´t remember very much of the GNS9810 project. my suggestions are:
use true RS232 (no usb) for the first tests. maybe it will work with usb-rs232 adapter as well, but i can´t tell you for sure.
the mouse needs a power supply of 5V which the RS232 can´t provide. you will need a 5V power supply or something.
i guess that the pin connections here are right (but i´m not sure, i never used the plug-contact. maybe you should open the device and check with a multimeter, if the colors of the cables matches the description.):
Bild hier
send the few bytes. if the mouse doesn´t answer, maybe you mixed up the pins (white and black cable).
i´m sorry i can´t help any further.
kind regards, die katze
if it still doesn´t work, use the thread to ask your questions. then a lot more people can participate and share knowledge.
however it should be possible with the given information to connect the gns9810 to the com port of your pc and exchange data. just send it the bytes 13,10 a few times and the mouse will begin to answer NMEA data.
to compile the code, you will need a c-compiler like dev-c++ or borland freeware compiler bcc32. there are tutorials how to set up these compilers. BUT the code will only output NMEA data in a console window, it will not cooperate with vour navigation software.
my suggestion is to hook up the mouse with your com-port and use a freeware terminal program to make it send data. once this is done, you can try to configure your navigation software to use the data. if you experience problems with one of these steps, you can of course post them in this thread. but up to now, your questions are to general for a specific answer.
kind regards, robocat