Habe ein AT24C08 EEPROM
das beispiel von Bascom funz auch
Declare Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)

Declare Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte)

Const Addressw = 174                                       'slave write address

Const Addressr = 175                                       'slave read address

Dim B1 As Byte , Adres As Byte , Value As Byte , I As Byte  'dim byte

For I = 0 To 255
Locate 1 , 1
Call Write_eeprom(i , I) : Lcd "Write:" ; I                 'write value of three to address 1 of EEPROM
Locate 2 , 1
Call Read_eeprom(i , Value) : Lcd "Read:" ; Value
Waitms 50

'-------- now write to a PCF8474 I/O expander -------

I2csend &H40 , 255                                         'all outputs high

I2creceive &H40 , B1                                       'retrieve input

Print "Received data " ; B1                                 'print it


Rem Note That The Slaveaddress Is Adjusted Automaticly With I2csend & I2creceive

Rem This Means You Can Specify The Baseaddress Of The Chip.

'sample of writing a byte to EEPROM AT2404

Sub Write_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)

  I2cstart                                               'start condition

  I2cwbyte Addressw                                       'slave address

  I2cwbyte Adres                                         'asdress of EEPROM

  I2cwbyte Value                                         'value to write

  I2cstop                                                 'stop condition

  Waitms 10                                               'wait for 10 milliseconds

End Sub

'sample of reading a byte from EEPROM AT2404

Sub Read_eeprom(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte)

  I2cstart                                                 'generate start

  I2cwbyte Addressw                                       'slave adsress

  I2cwbyte Adres                                           'address of EEPROM

  I2cstart                                                 'repeated start

  I2cwbyte Addressr                                       'slave address (read)

  I2crbyte Value , Nack                                   'read byte

  I2cstop                                                 'generate stop

End Sub
Aber hier kann ich ja nur ein Byte schreiben also 0-255.
Wie kann ich den ganzen EEPROM von 8KByte nutzen?