Stimmt, guter Tipp mit den Stopwatches...
Hier ma ein Auszug von der RP6Config.h Datei:
* Defines a Factor for the rotation error.
* As you may have read in the Manual, the rotation is unprecise
* because of wheel/track slippery. This Factor allows you to
* make it roughly precise.
* The Problem is: You need to use different rotation factor
* for different surfaces, as the Robot behaves different on
* different surfaces (e.g. carpet vs. wooden floor).
* You need to do some experiments with this until you get
* good results. Let the Robot rotate by 90°, 180° and 360°
* and change the rotation factor depending on if it works
* good or not.
* If you want to make it really precise, you will have to
* use a Mouse sensor, electronic compass or gyroscope.
Mache ich da was falsch, oder warum dreht der nicht 90°?
Crystal Eye