Zitat von
Hello everyone,
I would like to use the
Original RP6 Programs directly to generate the Plugin.
Is this possible? how do i have to change the CMakeLists? Is it enough to change the Path in line 12 and 13 like this:
#from find_path(RP6LibPath RP6base RP6common ../RP6Lib) to
find_path(RP6LibPath RP6base RP6common ../../RP6Lib)
#from find_path(glueSrcPath glue.cpp ../avrglue)
find_path(glueSrcPath glue.cpp ../../avrglue)
Like this i wouldn't have to copy the files all the time.
Would it even be possible to create some kind of make.bat that i can run it directly from Programmers Notepad?!
while running mingw32-make, i always get the error "avr/io.h: No such file or directory". How do i fix this?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Hello Filou89,
There are multiple things you could do, I just stuffed around a little and I think this is a fairly nice solution:
1) Extract the plugin source (the archive from the site) somewhere you would like. You can do this wherever you would like, and best of all you can reuse it for later projects.
2) Run the cmake gui as stated in the manual. In the GUI, pick either the rp6 or m32 directory as the 'source directory' (just as usual). However, for the build directory browse to the actual AVR source (i.e. one of the demo programs). As stated in the manual, it is recommended to use a different subdirectory within the source directory, for instance "<SOMEPATH>\Example_01_LEDs\build".
3) Hit the Configure button and modify the pluginSrcFiles variable. In line with the previous example this would be "../RP6Base_LEDs.c" (I just noticed the manual incorrectly tells to use current directory, i.e. without the "../" part).
3) Run Configure & Generate as usual
4) Now you should be able to run mingw32-make from the build directory to compile the plugin.
5) To automate it further, the next thing is to modify the "makefile" of the demo. What we want to do is add an additional make target, and add this to the default "all" target. So open the file, and modify the line that says
all: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end
begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end rp6simul
Yes, this line is below the big warning that says you shouldn't modify anything 
Now add the following line somewhere (I just put it below the "sym: ..." line)
cd build; mingw32-make
If everything went well, running make in the demo source directory should compile both the HEX file and plugin file.
Note: I only tested this on Linux.