
Ich versuche mich grade mit dem atmega48, habe die fusebits so:
High-Fuse = 11011111
Low-Fuse = 01100010
Der Beispielcode sieht so aus:
Title:    example program for the Interrupt controlled UART library
Author:   Peter Fleury <pfleury@gmx.ch>   http://jump.to/fleury
File:     $Id: test_uart.c,v 1.5 2012/09/14 17:59:08 peter Exp $
Software: AVR-GCC 3.4, AVRlibc 1.4
Hardware: any AVR with built-in UART, tested on AT90S8515 at 4 Mhz

          This example shows how to use the UART library uart.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

#include "uart.h"

#define F_CPU 8000000UL

/* 9600 baud */
#define UART_BAUD_RATE 9600      

int main(void)
    unsigned int c;
    char buffer[7];
    int  num=134;

     *  Initialize UART library, pass baudrate and AVR cpu clock
     *  with the macro 
     *  UART_BAUD_SELECT() (normal speed mode )
     *  or 
     *  UART_BAUD_SELECT_DOUBLE_SPEED() ( double speed mode)
     * now enable interrupt, since UART library is interrupt controlled
     *  Transmit string to UART
     *  The string is buffered by the UART library in a circular buffer
     *  and one character at a time is transmitted to the UART using interrupts.
     *  uart_puts() blocks if it can not write the whole string to the circular 
     *  buffer
    uart_puts("String stored in SRAM\n");
     * Transmit string from program memory to UART
    uart_puts_P("String stored in FLASH\n");
     * Use standard avr-libc functions to convert numbers into string
     * before transmitting via UART
    itoa( num, buffer, 10);   // convert interger into string (decimal format)         
    uart_puts(buffer);        // and transmit string to UART

     * Transmit single character to UART
         * Get received character from ringbuffer
         * uart_getc() returns in the lower byte the received character and 
         * in the higher byte (bitmask) the last receive error
         * UART_NO_DATA is returned when no data is available.
        c = uart_getc();
        if ( c & UART_NO_DATA )
             * no data available from UART 
             * new data available from UART
             * check for Frame or Overrun error
            if ( c & UART_FRAME_ERROR )
                /* Framing Error detected, i.e no stop bit detected */
                uart_puts_P("UART Frame Error: ");
            if ( c & UART_OVERRUN_ERROR )
                 * Overrun, a character already present in the UART UDR register was 
                 * not read by the interrupt handler before the next character arrived,
                 * one or more received characters have been dropped
                uart_puts_P("UART Overrun Error: ");
            if ( c & UART_BUFFER_OVERFLOW )
                 * We are not reading the receive buffer fast enough,
                 * one or more received character have been dropped 
                uart_puts_P("Buffer overflow error: ");
             * send received character back
            uart_putc( (unsigned char)c );
Bekomme keine Compilerfehler, kommt aber auch nichts an RX/TX an ?!?
