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Thema: MultiIO & RP6M256 - GYRO-Demo


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    Erfahrener Benutzer Robotik Einstein Avatar von Dirk
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    MultiIO & RP6M256 - GYRO-Demo

    Hallo MultiIO-Fans,

    in der Demo für die Orientation-Lib haben wir den GYRO L3GD20 auf der minIMU-9 v2 etwas vernachlässigt, bzw. nur die Werte der 3 Achsen ausgegeben.

    Hier noch eine kurze Demo, die die Winkelgeschwindigkeiten, mit denen der RP6 sich bewegt oder bewegt wird, auf allen 3 Achsen auf dem LCD darstellt.

    Datei: RP6M256_MultiIO_05_GYRO_01.c:
     * ****************************************************************************
     * RP6 ROBOT SYSTEM - RP6 CONTROL M256 Examples
     * ****************************************************************************
     * Example: RP6M256 MultiIO
     * Author(s): Dirk
     * ****************************************************************************
     * Description:
     * In this example we show a fifth test for the MultiIO Project Board.
     * It tests the "Orientation Sensors" (GPS module, 2D-Compass and/or 9D-IMU).
     * The following sensors are used:
     * - NL-552ETTL GPS module (ELV No. 94241) with the u-blox5 UBX-G5000-BT GPS
     *   chipset
     * - HDMM01 compass module (Pollin No. 810164) with the MEMSIC MMC2120MG
     *   2-axis magnetometer
     * - MinIMU-9 v2 IMU module (Pololu No. 1268) with the L3GD20 3-axis gyro and
     *   the LSM303DLHC 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis magnetometer 
     * ############################################################################
     * The Robot does NOT move in this example! You can simply put it on a table
     * next to your PC and you should connect it to the PC via the USB Interface!
     * You should also connect to it via WIFI.
     * ############################################################################
     * ****************************************************************************
    // Includes:
    #include "RP6M256Lib.h"                 // The RP6 M256 Library. 
                                            // Always needs to be included!
    #include "RP6I2CmasterTWI.h"            // Include the I2C-Bus Master Library
    #include "RP6M256uart1.h"                // The RP6 M256 UART1 Library
    #include <math.h>
    // Include our new "RP6M256 Orientation library":
    // (This is the library for accessing certain sensors connected to the
    //  MultiIO Project Board!)
    #include "RP6M256_OrientationLib.h"
    // Defines:
    //#define CALIBRATION
    // Variables:
    double xdpsg = 0.0;
    double ydpsg = 0.0;
    double zdpsg = 0.0;
    double last_xg = 0.0;
    double last_yg = 0.0;
    double last_zg = 0.0;
    #define CTRL_REG5_FIFO_EN            0b01000000    // FIFO on
    #define FIFO_CTRL_REG_BYPASS        0b00000000    // Bypass mode (default)
    #define FIFO_CTRL_REG_FIFO            0b00100000    // FIFO mode
    #define FIFO_CTRL_REG_STREAM        0b01000000    // Stream mode
    #define FIFO_CTRL_REG_STREAM2FIFO    0b01100000    // Stream-to-FIFO mode
    #define FIFO_CTRL_REG_BYPASS2STREAM    0b10000000    // Bypass-to-Stream mode
     * Call this once in order to use the 3D-Gyro
     * with the FIFO in Stream mode.
     * Hint: Interrupts or FIFO watermark infos are
     *       NOT used here!
    void L3GD20_initStreamMode(void)
        // Choose Stream mode:
        // Activate FIFO:
        I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_MULTIIO_L3GD20_ADR, CTRL_REG5, CTRL_REG5_FIFO_EN);
    #define DPS_PER_DIGIT                0.00875        // @ +-250 dps (default)
    //#define DPS_PER_DIGIT                0.0175        // @ +-500 dps
    //#define DPS_PER_DIGIT                0.07        // @ +-2000 dps
     * This is the L3GD20 gyroscope task.
     * The task stores the averaged dps values in
     * the global double variables xdpsg, ydpsg,
     * zdpsg.
     * ATTENTION: Stopwatch 7 is used for the GYRO
     *            task! Please do not use this
     *            stopwatch elsewhere in your
     *            program!
     * Hint: You must calibrate the gyro carefully
     *       before using this task!
    void task_GYRO(void)
        uint8_t readBuf[6];
        if(getStopwatch7() > 100) // 100ms
            I2CTWI_transmitByte(I2C_MULTIIO_L3GD20_ADR, (OUT_X_L | 0x80));
            I2CTWI_readBytes(I2C_MULTIIO_L3GD20_ADR, readBuf, 6); // Read  X-/Y-/Z-axis
            // xb = y:
            x_axisg = (readBuf[OUT_Y_H - OUT_X_L] << 8) + readBuf[OUT_Y_L - OUT_X_L];
            // yb = -x:
            y_axisg = (readBuf[OUT_X_H - OUT_X_L] << 8) + readBuf[OUT_X_L - OUT_X_L];
            y_axisg *= -1;
            // zb = z:
            z_axisg = (readBuf[OUT_Z_H - OUT_X_L] << 8) + readBuf[OUT_Z_L - OUT_X_L];
            xg *= DPS_PER_DIGIT;
            yg *= DPS_PER_DIGIT;
            zg *= DPS_PER_DIGIT;
            xdpsg = (last_xg + xg) / 2;
            ydpsg = (last_yg + yg) / 2;
            zdpsg = (last_zg + zg) / 2;
            last_xg = xg;
            last_yg = yg;
            last_zg = zg;
     * Write a floating point number to the LCD.
     * Example:
     *            // Write a floating point number to the LCD (no exponent):
     *            writeDoubleLCD(1234567.890, 11, 3);
     * The value of prec (precision) defines the number of decimal places.
     * For 32 bit floating point variables (float, double ...) 6 is
     * the max. value for prec (7 relevant digits).
     * The value of width defines the overall number of characters in the
     * floating point number including the decimal point. The number of
     * pre-decimal positions is: (width - prec - 1).
    void writeDoubleLCD(double number, uint8_t width, uint8_t prec)
    {char buffer[width + 1];
        dtostrf(number, width, prec, &buffer[0]);
    // I2C Error handler
     * This function gets called automatically if there was an I2C Error like
     * the slave sent a "not acknowledge" (NACK, error codes e.g. 0x20 or 0x30).
    void I2C_transmissionError(uint8_t errorState)
        writeString_P_WIFI("\nI2C ERROR - TWI STATE: 0x");
        writeInteger_WIFI(errorState, HEX);
    // Main function - The program starts here:
    int main(void)
        initRP6M256();    // Always call this first! The Processor will not work
                          // correctly otherwise. 
        initLCD(); // Initialize the LC-Display (LCD)
                   // Always call this before using the LCD!
        writeString_P_WIFI("\n\nRP6M256 Multi IO Selftest 5 GYRO!\n"); 
        // IMPORTANT:
        I2CTWI_initMaster(100); // Initialize the TWI Module for Master operation
                                // with 100kHz SCL Frequency
        // Register the event handler:
        // Write a text message to the LCD:
        showScreenLCD("################", "################");
        showScreenLCD("RP6v2-M256-WIFI ", "Example Program");
        showScreenLCD("RP6M256 Multi IO", "Selftest 5 GYRO");
        // ---------------------------------------
        startStopwatch7();                            // Used for GYRO task!
        // IMPORTANT:
        orientation_init();                            // Orientation init!
        L3GD20_initStreamMode();                    // Gyro Stream mode init!
    #ifndef CALIBRATION
            if(getStopwatch1() > 500) // 500ms
    #ifdef CALIBRATION
                // GYRO calibration part:
                readL3GD20();                        // Get sensor values
                setCursorPosLCD(0, 0);        // line 1
                writeIntegerLCD(x_axisg, DEC);
                writeStringLCD_P("   ");
                setCursorPosLCD(0, 8);        // line 1 pos 9
                writeIntegerLCD(y_axisg, DEC);
                writeStringLCD_P("   ");
                setCursorPosLCD(1, 0);        // line 2
                writeIntegerLCD(z_axisg, DEC);
                writeStringLCD_P("    ");
                // Display part:
                setCursorPosLCD(0, 0);        // line 1
                writeDoubleLCD(xdpsg, 6, 1);
                writeStringLCD_P("   ");
                setCursorPosLCD(0, 8);        // line 1 pos 9
                writeDoubleLCD(ydpsg, 6, 1);
                writeStringLCD_P("   ");
                setCursorPosLCD(1, 0);        // line 2
                writeDoubleLCD(zdpsg, 6, 1);
                writeStringLCD_P("   ");
        return 0;
    - Orientierungs-Lib und RP6M256_MultiIO.h im Programmverzeichnis
    - In der RP6M256_Orientation.h NUR IMU_9D aktivieren und GET_TEMP auskommentieren
    - Den GYRO sorgfältig kalibrieren, d.h. die Definitionen OFFSET_X/Y/Z in der RP6M256_Orientation.h so anpassen, dass die Sensor-Ausgabewerte (xg, yg, zg) bei nicht bewegtem RP6 um den Nullpunkt schwanken

    Viel Spaß!
    Geändert von Dirk (28.07.2013 um 15:35 Uhr) Grund: Kleine Textänderung

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