* ************************************************** **************************
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* Example: LEDs and Serial Interface Example
* Author(s): Dominik S. Herwald
* ************************************************** **************************
* Description:
* A typical "Hello World" program for the RP6. Writes text to the PC with the
* Serial Interface and shows a running Light with the LEDs afterwards.
* You can watch the text output when RP6 is connected to the
USB interface
* with the Terminal in RP6Loader.
* In the RP6Loader Software switch to the tab "Terminal" and use the
* menu item RP6Loader->Start Target or whatever the text is for the
* language you selected.
* (or press strg+s on your keyboard)
* Also take a look at "RP6Base_LEDs_uncommented.c"! There you can see how
* this file looks like without any comments. Much shorter and for some of you
* maybe better to understand.
* ################################################## ##########################
* The Robot does NOT move in this example! You can simply put it on a table
* next to your PC and you should connect it to the PC via the
USB Interface!
* ################################################## ##########################
* ************************************************** **************************
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// Includes:
#include "RP6RobotBaseLib.h" // The RP6 Robot Base Library.
// Always needs to be included!
/************************************************** ***************************/
// Main function - The program starts here:
int main(void)
initRobotBase(); // Always call this first! The Processor will not work
// correctly otherwise.
// ---------------------------------------
// Write messages to the Serial Interface
// (here it is a RP6 text logo):
writeString_P("\n\n _______________________\n");
writeString_P(" \\| RP6 ROBOT SYSTEM |/\n");
writeString_P(" \\_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/\n\n");
// Explanation of special chars:
// '\n' = new line
// '\\' = '\'
// These are "escape sequences" for characters you can not
// use directly within strings.
// Write "Hello World" to the Serial Interface:
writeString_P("Hello World! My name is Robby!\n");
writeString_P("Let's go!

// ---------------------------------------
// LEDs:
setLEDs(0b111111); // Turn all LEDs on!
// 0b111111 is a binary value and is the same as
// 63 in the decimal system.
// For this routine, the binary value is better to read, because each bit
// represents one of the LEDs.
// e.g. this:
// setLEDs(0b000001); would set only LED1
// setLEDs(0b000010); LED2
// setLEDs(0b000100); LED3
// setLEDs(0b101001); LED6, LED4, LED1 - and so on!
mSleep(1000); // delay 1000ms = 1s
setLEDs(0b000000); // All LEDs off!
mSleep(500); // delay 500ms = 0.5s
// ---------------------------------------
uint8_t runningLight = 1; // This defines the local unsigned 8 bit variable "runningLight".
// It can be accessed everywhere _below_ in this function.
// And ONLY within this function!
// ---------------------------------------
// Main loop - the program will loop here forever!
// In this program, it only runs a small LED chaselight.
// Here we do a small LED test:
// ---------------------------------------
setLEDs(runningLight); // Set status LEDs to the value of the variable
// testLEDs.
// In the first loop iteration it has the value 1,
// and thus the StatusLED1 will be switched on.
runningLight <<= 1; // shift the bits of "runningLight" one step to the left.
// As there is only one bit set in this variable,
// only one LED is on at the same time.
// This results is a moving light dot like this:
// 1: 0b000001
// 2: 0b000010
// 3: 0b000100
// 4: 0b001000
// 5: 0b010000
// 6: 0b100000
// In decimal format that would be the numbers:
// 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
// When we have reached a value > 32 (32 means Status LED6 is on),
// we need to reset the value of runningLight to 1 to start again
// from the beginning...
// Instead of "32" we could also write "0b100000".
if(runningLight > 32)
runningLight = 1; // reset runningLight to 1 (StatusLED1)
// If we want to see the running Light, we need to
// add a delay here - otherwise our human eyes would not see
// the moving light dot:
mSleep(100); // delay 100ms = 0.1s
// ---------------------------------------
// End of main loop
// ---------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------
// The Program will NEVER get here!
// (at least if you don't perform a "break" in the main loop, which
// you should not do usually!)
return 0;