Guten Abend zusammen,

ich wage mich jetzt mal an Sieben Segment Anzeigen heran.
Ansteuern möchte ich die mit einem ATMega88 und einem MAX6958.
An den SCL und SDA kommen die richtigen Werte heraus. (Angezeigt mit Oszi).
Aber der Anzeigentreiber gibt kein Signal aus.

Was mach ich falsch?

Als Adresse hab ich aus dem Datenblatt folgende Information:

Slave Address
The MAX6958/MAX6959 have a 7-bit-long slave
address (Figure 3). The eighth bit following the 7-bit
slave address is the R/W bit. Set the R/W bit low for a
write command and high for a read command.
The MAX6958/MAX6959 are available in one of two
possible slave addresses (see Table 2 and Ordering
Information). The first 6 bits (MSBs) of the MAX6958/
MAX6959 slave address are always 011100. Slave
address bit A0 is internally hardwired to either GND in
the MAX695_A_, or V+ in the MAX695_B_. A maximum
of two MAX6958/MAX6959 devices can share a bus.

Message Format for Writing
A write to the MAX6958/MAX6959 comprises the trans-
mission of the MAX6958/MAX6959s ’slave address with 
the R/W bit set to zero, followed by at least 1 byte of
information. The first byte of information is the com-
mand byte, which determines the register that stores
the next byte written to the MAX6958/MAX6959. If a
STOP condition is detected after the command byte is
received, the MAX6958/MAX6959 take no further action
(Figure 6) beyond storing the command byte.

hier der Code:

$regfile = "m88def.dat"
$hwstack = 128
$framesize = 128
$swstack = 128

Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.3 , Db5 = Portc.2 , Db6 = Portd.0 , _
       Db7 = Portd.1 , E = Portb.4 , Rs = Portb.5
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Cursor Off

Config Sda = Portc.4
Config Scl = Portc.5

Const Ad = &B011100

Dim X As Byte

X = 0


  For X = 0 To 65

      Upperline : Lcd "     Os Ram     "
      Lowerline : Lcd "       " ; X ; "        "

      I2cwbyte Ad
      I2cwbyte X

      Waitms 1000
  Next X

