Das verkürzt es etwasZur Zero-Thematik: alle Arduinos lassen sich mit derselben Arduino-IDE programmieren, man muss nur das Board anwählen.
ausBoth the Arduino Zero (from Arduino.cc) and the Zero Pro/M0 Pro/M0 (from Arduino.org) use the same SAMD21G18A ARM Cortex M0+ microcontroller from Atmel.
The the only functional difference between them is:
1. D2 and D4 are reversed
2. The Arduino Zero has an extra ATN (GPIO) pin
3. They use different bootloaders
The fact that they use different bootloaders, makes them incompatible with each others IDEs. Others on this forum have detailed how burn the bootloader and make the various file changes need allow a Zero Pro/M0 Pro to function with the Arduino.cc's IDE.