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Thema: HaWe Brickbench Benchmark Test 2.0


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    HaWe Brickbench Benchmark Test 2.1

    HaWe Brickbench Benchmark Test 2.1
    angepasste Routinen zum besseren Vergleich von SoCs und MCUs,
    ver 2.1: inkl GPIO toggle r/w test:

    // HaWe Brickbench
    // benchmark test for SoCs and MCUs
    // PL: GCC, Raspi, Raspbian  Linux
    // Autor: (C) Helmut Wunder 2013-2018
    // ported to Raspi  by "HaWe"
    // freie Verwendung für private Zwecke
    // für kommerzielle Zwecke nur nach schriftlicher Genehmigung durch den Autor.
    // protected under the friendly Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
    // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
    // version 2.1 2018-07-14
    // feat. GPIO toggle r/w test
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/ioctl.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <sys/time.h>
    #include <wiringPi.h>
    //#include "VG/openvg.h"
    #include "VG/vgu.h"
    #include "fontinfo.h"
    #include "shapes.h"
    unsigned long runtime[8];
    int a[500], b[500], c[500], t[500];
    #define tpin1  17  // GPIO test pins digitalWrite (BCM)
    #define tpin2  18  // GPIO test pins digitalWrite (BCM)
    #define tpin3  27  // GPIO test pins digitalRead (BCM)
    uint32_t timer()
       struct timeval now;
       uint32_t ticks;
       gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
    // Mersenne Twister
    unsigned long randM(void) {
       const int M = 7;
       const unsigned long A[2] = { 0, 0x8ebfd028 };
       static unsigned long y[25];
       static int index = 25+1;
       if (index >= 25) {
         int k;
         if (index > 25) {
            unsigned long r = 9, s = 3402;
            for (k=0 ; k<25 ; ++k) {
              r = 509845221 * r + 3;
              s *= s + 1;
              y[k] = s + (r >> 10);
         for (k=0 ; k<25-M ; ++k)
            y[k] = y[k+M] ^ (y[k] >> 1) ^ A[y[k] & 1];
         for (; k<25 ; ++k)
            y[k] = y[k+(M-25)] ^ (y[k] >> 1) ^ A[y[k] & 1];
         index = 0;
       unsigned long e = y[index++];
       e ^= (e << 7) & 0x2b5b2500;
       e ^= (e << 15) & 0xdb8b0000;
       e ^= (e >> 16);
       return e;
    // Matrix Algebra
    // matrix * matrix multiplication (matrix product)
     void MatrixMatrixMult(int N, int M, int K, double *A, double *B, double *C) {
       int i, j, s;
       for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
          for (j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
             C[i*K+j] = 0;
             for (s = 0; s < M; ++s) {
                C[i*K+j] = C[i*K+j] + A[i*N+s] * B[s*M+j];
    // matrix determinant
    double MatrixDet(int N, double A[]) {
       int i, j, i_count, j_count, count = 0;
       double Asub[N - 1][N - 1], det = 0;
       if (N == 1)
          return *A;
       if (N == 2)
          return ((*A) * (*(A+1+1*N)) - (*(A+1*N)) * (*(A+1)));
       for (count = 0; count < N; count++) {
          i_count = 0;
          for (i = 1; i < N; i++) {
             j_count = 0;
             for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
                if (j == count)
                Asub[i_count][j_count] = *(A+i+j*N);
          det += pow(-1, count) * A[0+count*N] * MatrixDet(N - 1, &Asub[0][0]);
       return det;
    // shell sort
    void shellsort(int size, int* A)
      int i, j, increment;
      int temp;
      increment = size / 2;
      while (increment > 0) {
        for (i = increment; i < size; i++) {
          j = i;
          temp = A[i];
          while ((j >= increment) && (A[j-increment] > temp)) {
            A[j] = A[j - increment];
            j = j - increment;
          A[j] = temp;
        if (increment == 2)
           increment = 1;
           increment = (unsigned int) (increment / 2.2);
    // gnu quick sort
    // (0ptional)
    int compare_int (const int *a, const int *b)
      int  temp = *a - *b;
      if (temp > 0)          return  1;
      else if (temp < 0)     return -1;
      else                   return  0;
    // gnu qsort:
    // void qsort (void *a , size_a count, size_a size, compare_function)
    // gnu qsort call for a[500] array of int:
    // qsort (a , 500, sizeof(a), compare_int)
    // benchmark test procedures
    int test_Int_Add() {
       int i=1, j=11, k=112, l=1111, m=11111, n=-1, o=-11, p=-111, q=-1112, r=-11111;
       int x;
       volatile long s=0;
       for(x=0;x<5000000;++x) { 
         s+=i; s+=j; s+=k; s+=l; s+=m; s+=n; s+=o; s+=p; s+=q; s+=r;
       return s;
    long test_Int_Mult() {
      int x,y;
      volatile long s;
      for(y=0;y<500000;++y) {  
        for(x=1;x<=10;++x) { s*=x;} //1 3->10
        for(x=10;x>0;--x) { s/=x;}
      return s;
    #define PI  M_PI
    double test_float_math() {
      volatile double s=PI;
      int y;
      for(y=0;y<500000;++y) {  
      return s;
    long test_rand_MT(){
      volatile unsigned long s;
      int y;
      for(y=0;y<2500000;++y) {  
      return s;
    double test_matrix_math() {
      int x;
      double A[2][2], B[2][2], C[2][2];
      double S[3][3], T[3][3];
      unsigned long s;
      for(x=0;x<50000;++x) { 
        A[0][0]=1;   A[0][1]=3;
        A[1][0]=2;   A[1][1]=4;
        B[0][0]=10;  B[0][1]=30;
        B[1][0]=20;  B[1][1]=40;
        MatrixMatrixMult(2, 2, 2, A[0], B[0], C[0]);  
        A[0][0]=1;   A[0][1]=3;
        A[1][0]=2;   A[1][1]=4;
        MatrixDet(2, A[0]);                          
        S[0][0]=1;   S[0][1]=4;  S[0][2]=7;
        S[1][0]=2;   S[1][1]=5;  S[1][2]=8;
        S[2][0]=3;   S[2][1]=6;  S[2][2]=9;
        MatrixDet(3, S[0]);                          
      return s;
    // for array copy using void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
    long test_Sort(){
      unsigned long s;
      int y;
      int t[500];
      for(y=0;y<500;++y) {  
        memcpy(t, a, sizeof(a));
        shellsort(500, t);
        memcpy(t, a, sizeof(b));
        shellsort(500, t);
        memcpy(t, a, sizeof(c));
        shellsort(500, t);
      return y;
    int32_t test_GPIO(){
       volatile static bool w=false, r;
       uint32_t y;
       for (y=0; y<2000000; y++) {      
             digitalWrite(tpin1, w);
             digitalWrite(tpin2, w&!r);      
       return 1;
    long test_TextOut(){
      int  y=77;
      char buf[120];
      for(y=0;y<10;++y) { 
        Background(0, 0, 0);                    // Black background
        //Text(x, y, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); 
        Fill(255, 255, 255, 1);                 // White text
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d  int_Add",    0, 1000); Text( 20, 200- 20, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); End();
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d  int_Mult",   1, 1010); Text( 20, 200- 40, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); End(); 
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d  float_op",   2, 1020); Text( 20, 200- 60, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); End();
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d  randomize",  3, 1030); Text( 20, 200- 80, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); End();
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d  matrx_algb", 4, 1040); Text( 20, 200-100, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); End();
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d  arr_sort",   5, 1050); Text( 20, 200-120, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); End();
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d  GPIO_toggle", 6, 1060); Text( 20, 200-140, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); End();
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d  testing...", 7, 1070); Text( 20, 200-160, buf, SerifTypeface, 10); End();
      return y;
    long test_graphics(){
        int y=0;
        for(y=0;y<10;++y) {  
            WindowClear();      // Colour and size are remembered from the
                                // ClearWindowRGBA() call at the start of the program
            Stroke(255, 255, 255, 1);  // Set these at the start, no need to
            Fill(255,255,255, 1);      // keep calling them if colour hasn't changed
            CircleOutline(50, 40, 10);       // circles
            Circle(30, 24, 10);
            Line(10, 10, 60, 60);            // just 2 intersecting lines
            Line(50, 20, 90, 70);
            RectOutline(20, 20, 40, 40);     // rectangles
            Rect(65, 25, 20, 30);
            CircleOutline(70, 30, 15);  // formerly ellipse
        return y;
    inline void displayValues() { // text line patterns
      char buf[120];
        WindowClear();      // Colour and size are remembered the start of the program
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  int_Add",    0, runtime[0]); printf(buf); printf("\n");
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  int_Mult",   1, runtime[1]); printf(buf); printf("\n");
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  float_op",   2, runtime[2]); printf(buf); printf("\n");
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  randomize",  3, runtime[3]); printf(buf); printf("\n");
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  matrx_algb", 4, runtime[4]); printf(buf); printf("\n");
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  arr_sort",   5, runtime[5]); printf(buf); printf("\n");
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  GPIO_toggle", 6, runtime[6]); printf(buf); printf("\n");
        sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  graphics",   7, runtime[7]); printf(buf); printf("\n");
    int main(){
      unsigned long time0, x, y;
      float s;
      char  buf[120];
      int width, height;
      char str[3];
      InitShapes(&width, &height);                  // Graphics initialization
      Start(width, height);                   // Start the picture
      WindowOpacity(255);       // Hide  the picture    
      printf("hw brickbench"); printf("\n");
      printf("initializing..."); printf("\n");
      // wiringPi      
      setenv ("WIRINGPI_GPIOMEM", "1", true) ;            // no sudo for gpios required
      int iores = wiringPiSetupGpio();                        // init by BCM pin numbering
      if( iores == -1 ) return 1;  
      pinMode( tpin1, OUTPUT);  
      pinMode( tpin2, OUTPUT);  
      pinMode( tpin3, INPUT);  pullUpDnControl( tpin3, PUD_UP);
      for(y=0;y<500;++y) {
        a[y]=randM()%30000; b[y]=randM()%30000; c[y]=randM()%30000;
      time0= timer();
      sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  int_Add",    0, runtime[0]);  printf(buf); printf("\n");
      sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  int_Mult",   0, runtime[1]);  printf(buf); printf("\n");
      sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  float_op",   0, runtime[2]);  printf(buf); printf("\n");
      sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  randomize",  0, runtime[3]);  printf(buf); printf("\n");
      sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  matrx_algb", 0, runtime[4]);  printf(buf); printf("\n");
      sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  arr_sort",   0, runtime[5]);  printf(buf); printf("\n");
      sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  GPIO_toggle",   0, runtime[6]);  printf(buf); printf("\n");
      sprintf (buf, "%3d %7ld  Graphics",   0, runtime[7]);  printf(buf); printf("\n");
      WindowOpacity(0);       // Hide  the picture   
      for(x=0;x<8;++x) {y+= runtime[x];}
      sprintf (buf, "gesamt ms: %ld ", y);           printf(buf); printf("\n");
      sprintf (buf, "benchmark: %ld ", 50000000/y ); printf(buf); printf("\n");
      fgets(str, 2, stdin);                   // look at the pic, end with [RETURN]
      FinishShapes();                         // Graphics cleanup

    test design:
      0   int_Add     50,000,000 int +,- plus counter
      1   int_Mult    10,000,000 int *,/  plus counter
      2   float_op    2,500,000 fp mult, transc.  plus counter
      3   randomize   2,500,000 Mersenne PRNG (+ * & ^ << >>)
      4   matrx_algb  150,000 2D Matrix algebra (mult, det)
      5   arr_sort    1500 shellsort of random array[500]
      6   GPIO toggle 6,000,000 toggle GPIO r/w  plus counter
      7   Graphics    10*8 textlines + 10*8 shapes + 20 clrscr 

    Raspi 2, GPU CLOCK 400MHz, NO CPU OVERCLOCK, openVG:
      0     384  int_Add
      1     439  int_Mult
      2     441  float_op (double)
      3     399  randomize
      4     173  matrx_algb
      5     508  arr_sort
      6     823  GPIO_toggle
      7    2632  graphics
    gesamt ms: 5799 
    benchmark: 8622 
    Vergleichswerte von Arduinos etc.: https://www.roboternetz.de/community...C3%BCr-Arduino
    Geändert von HaWe (19.07.2018 um 08:52 Uhr)

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