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Thema: ultramodul srf08 mit diesem programm lesen

  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer Robotik Einstein
    Registriert seit

    ultramodul srf08 mit diesem programm lesen


    hallo, wer kann helfen das ultramodul srf08 I2C mit diesem programm auszulesen.
    ich habe da kompasmodul geschafft und ein eeprom 24c256, aber das ultramodul schaffe ich nicht.
    ich weiss nicht woran es liegt.

    kompasmodul cmps03 auslesen mit dieser routine,funktioniert 100%:
    int main (void) 
    char s[10];
    uint16_t wert_1; 
    uint8_t buffer_r[4];
    usart_init( (READ + WRITE) , READ); 
    for (;;) {
    i2cMemRead(192, 0, buffer_r, 4); 
    wert_1=wert_1+buffer_r[3]; // wert_1 ist gradzahl * 10
    itoa( wert_1, s, 10);
    i2c-eeprom 24c256 beschreiben und lesen geht 100%, 
    5 werte werden geschrieben und ausgelesen an adresse 26777:
    int main(void)
    uint8_t output[8];
    uint8_t buffer_w [8];
    uint8_t buffer_r [8];
    uint8_t i;
    buffer_w [0] = 77;
    buffer_w [1] = 76;
    buffer_w [2] = 75;
    buffer_w [3] = 74;
    buffer_w [4] = 73;
    i2cMemWrite(0xA0, 26777, buffer_w, 5, 0);
    i2cMemRead(0xA0, 26777, buffer_r, 5); 
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    lcd_putc(' ');
    die i2c.h :
    #include <avr/io.h>
    #include <compat/twi.h>
    #ifndef     i2c_H
    #define     i2c_H
    #ifdef      XTAL
    #define   TWI_TWBR(baudrate)  (uint8_t)(((XTAL + baudrate -1) / baudrate - 15.0) / 2.0)
    #define   TWI_TWBR(baudrate)  (uint8_t)(((8000000 + baudrate -1) / baudrate - 15.0) / 2.0)
    #define     i2cInit(baudrate)   {TWBR = TWI_TWBR(baudrate);}
    // follow functions retuns always i2cStatus() == TWSR == TWI Status register
    extern uint8_t i2cStart(void);
    extern uint8_t i2cStop(void);    // deactivate TWI !!
    extern uint8_t i2cStatus(void);  // returns TWSR status register
    extern uint8_t i2cWait(void);    // same as i2cStatus() but wait for current action ready
    extern uint8_t i2cWrite(uint8_t Value);
    // resceive a byte, returns resceived Byte, transmit acknowledge dependend of Ack
    extern uint8_t i2cRead(uint8_t Ack);
    // select EEPROM with hardware address Device, setup memory address to Address, and if Wait != 0 waits eventually for prior
    // written bytes to finish. returns != 0 if all operations success, otherwise returns 0.
    extern uint8_t i2cMemSelect(uint8_t Device, uint16_t Address, uint8_t Wait);
    // write from Source, Count bytes to memory location at Address on EEPROM Device. If FlashStored != 0 Source points to
    // programmemory. Returns count of succesfully bytes written.
    extern uint16_t i2cMemWrite(uint8_t Device, uint16_t Address, const uint8_t *Source, uint16_t Count, uint8_t FlashStored);
    // read from EEPROM Device at memory location Address Count bytes to Dest. Returns count of successfully bytes read.
    extern uint16_t i2cMemRead(uint8_t Device, uint16_t Address, const uint8_t *Dest, uint16_t Count);
    die i2c.S, asm routine :
    #include <avr/io.h>
    #include <compat/twi.h>
    #define EEPROM_ADDRESS_BYTES        2                        // set to 1 for 1 byte memory address
    #ifndef EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE
    #define EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE            64                      // page size of I2C eeprom chip
    #define EERPOM_PAGE_MASK            EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE -1
    #define SANITY_CHECKS               1                        // activate some sanity checks, set to 0 to save 12 bytes
    #define FAST_READ                   1                        // activate buffering of current memory address
                                                                 // ATTENTION! this can work if only one I2C eeprom chip is connected
    #define P0L                         r24
    #define P0H                         r25
    #define P1L                         r22
    #define P1H                         r23
    #define P2L                         r20
    #define P2H                         r21
    #define P3L                         r18
    #define P3H                         r19
    #define P4L                         r16
    #define P4H                         r17
    #define TMP                         r0
    #define ZERO                        r1
    .macro out_ port value
      .if (_SFR_IO_ADDR(\port) > 63)
                sts     \port, \value
                out     _SFR_IO_ADDR(\port), \value
    .macro in_ value port
      .if (_SFR_IO_ADDR(\port) > 63)
                lds     \value, \port
                in      \value, _SFR_IO_ADDR(\port)
                .section .text
                .global i2cStart           // uint8_t i2cStart(void);
                .global i2cWait            // uint8_t i2cWait(void);
                .global i2cStatus          // uint8_t i2cStatus(void);
                .global i2cWrite           // uint8_t i2cWrite(uint8_t Value);
                .global i2cStop            // uint8_t i2cStop(void);
                .global i2cRead            // uint8_t i2cRead(uint8_t Ack);
    i2cStart:   ldi     P0L, (1 << TWEN) | (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWSTA)
    i2cStart1:  out_    TWCR, P0L
    i2cWait:    in_     P0L, TWCR
                sbrs    P0L, TWINT
                rjmp    i2cWait
    i2cStatus:  in_     P0L, TWSR
                andi    P0L, 0xF8
                cp      P0L, P0H            // P0H hidden parameter to save some code
                ldi     P0H, 0              // P0H = 0, zeroize result, but preserve flags !
    i2cWrite:   out_    TWDR, P0L
                ldi     P0L, (1 << TWEN) | (1 << TWINT)
                rjmp    i2cStart1
    i2cStop:    ldi     P0L, (1 << TWEN) | (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWSTO)
                out_    TWCR, P0L
                ldi     P0L, 14             // small wait loop before deactivation of TWI
    i2cStop1:   dec     P0L
                brne    i2cStop1
                out_    TWCR, P0L           // P0L already 0
                rjmp    i2cStatus
    i2cRead:    tst     P0L
                breq    i2cRead1
                ldi     P0L, (1 << TWEA)
    i2cRead1:   ori     P0L, (1 << TWEN) | (1 << TWINT)
                out_    TWCR, P0L
                rcall   i2cWait
                in_     P0L, TWDR
    // 56 bytes
    #if FAST_READ == 1
                .section .data
    i2cAddress: .word    0xFFFF
                .section .text
                .global i2cMemSelect  // uint8_t  i2cMemSelect(uint8_t Device, uint16_t Address, uint8_t Wait);
                .global i2cMemWrite   // uint16_t i2cMemWrite(uint8_t Device, uint16_t Address, uint16_t Source, uint16_t Count, uint8_t FlashStored);
                .global i2cMemRead    // uint16_t i2cMemRead(uint8_t Device, uint16_t Address, uint16_t Dest, uint16_t Count);
    i2cMemSelect: // P0 Device, P1 Address, P2 Wait
                mov     TMP, P0L                // save device
                clt                             // T flag == wait state
                tst     P2L
                breq    i2cMemSelect2
                rcall   i2cStop
                rcall   i2cStart
                mov     P0L, TMP                // device
                andi    P0L, 0xFE
                ldi     P0H, TW_MT_SLA_ACK
                rcall   i2cWrite
                breq    i2cMemSelect3
                brts    i2cMemSelect2           // wait until ready
                rjmp    i2cMemSelect4
    #if FAST_READ == 1
                sts     i2cAddress +0, P1L
                sts     i2cAddress +1, P1H
                mov     P0L, P1H                // hi(Address)
                ldi     P0H, TW_MT_DATA_ACK
                rcall   i2cWrite
                brne    i2cMemSelect5
                mov     P0L, P1L                // lo(Address)
                ldi     P0H, TW_MT_DATA_ACK
                rcall   i2cWrite
                breq    i2cMemSelect5
                ldi     P0L, 0                  // result = 0
    i2cMemWrite: // P0 Device, P1 Address, P2 Source, P3 Count, P4 FlashStored
                movw    ZL, P2L                // Z = Source
                movw    P2L, P3L               // Result = Count
    #if SANITY_CHECKS != 0
                cp      P3L, ZERO              // sanity check of input count > 0
                cpc     P3H, ZERO
                breq    i2cMemWrite8           // Count == 0 ??
                mov     TMP, P0L               // save Device
                clt                            // clear wait flag for i2cMemSelect
                rjmp    i2cMemWrite2
                mov     P4H, P1L
                andi    P4H, EERPOM_PAGE_MASK
                brne    i2cMemWrite3           // (Address & 0x1F) != 0 ??
                rcall   i2cMemSelect2
                brne    i2cMemWrite6
                set                            // set wait flag for i2cMemSelect
                tst     P4L
                breq    i2cMemWrite4           // if FlashStored == 0 goto load from RAM
                lpm     P0L, Z+
                rjmp    i2cMemWrite5
                ld      P0L, Z+
                ldi     P0H, TW_MT_DATA_ACK
                rcall   i2cWrite
                brne    i2cMemWrite6           // error on write data ??
                subi    P1L, lo8(-1)           // Address++
                sbci    P1H, hi8(-1)
                subi    P3L, lo8(+1)           // Count--
                sbci    P3H, hi8(+1)
                brne    i2cMemWrite1           // Count > 0 ??
                rcall   i2cMemSelect2          // wait for finishing writing to eeprom
                rcall   i2cStop
                sub     P2L, P3L
                sbc     P2H, P3H
    #if FAST_READ == 1
                lds     P3L, i2cAddress +0
                lds     P3H, i2cAddress +1
                add     P3L, P2L
                adc     P3H, P2H
                sts     i2cAddress +0, P3L
                sts     i2cAddress +1, P3H
                movw    P0L, P2L               // return(Start Count - Current Count)
    i2cMemRead:  // P0 Device, P1 Address, P2 Dest, P3 Count
                movw    ZL, P2L                // Z = Dest
                movw    P2L, P3L               // Result = Count
    #if SANITY_CHECKS != 0
                cp      P3L, ZERO              // sanity check of input count > 0
                cpc     P3H, ZERO
                breq    i2cMemWrite8
                mov     TMP, P0L               // save device
    #if FAST_READ == 1
                lds     P0H, i2cAddress +0
                cp      P1L, P0H
                lds     P0H, i2cAddress +1
                cpc     P1H, P0H
                breq    i2cMemRead1
                rcall   i2cMemSelect1          // setup address
                brne    i2cMemWrite6
                rcall   i2cStart
                mov     P0L, TMP
                ori     P0L, 1
                ldi     P0H, TW_MR_SLA_ACK
                rcall   i2cWrite
                brne    i2cMemWrite6
                ldi     P0L, 1                 // Ack
                ldi     P0H, TW_MR_DATA_ACK
                cpi     P3L, 1
                cpc     P3H, ZERO
                brne    i2cMemRead3            // Count <> 1 ??
                ldi     P0L, 0                 // No Ack for least byte read to activate power save mode
                ldi     P0H, TW_MR_DATA_NACK
                rcall   i2cRead
                brne    i2cMemWrite6
                st      Z+, P0L
                subi    P3L, lo8(+1)           // Count--
                sbci    P3H, hi8(+1)
                brne    i2cMemRead2            // Count > 0 ??
                rjmp    i2cMemWrite6
    // 160 bytes
    #undef I2C_TWCR
    #undef I2C_TWSR
    #undef I2C_TWDR
    #undef P0L
    #undef P0H
    #undef P1L
    #undef P1H
    #undef P2L
    #undef P2H
    #undef P3L
    #undef P3H
    #undef P4L
    #undef P4H
    #undef TMP
    #undef ZERO

  2. #2
    Super-Moderator Robotik Visionär Avatar von PicNick
    Registriert seit
    Hi, Pebi

    so etwa würd' ich's mal probieren

    Address SF08 mußt du ev. was anderes nehmen ?

    "WAIT 100ms" == warte(1000) ?

    die LCD Ausgabe mußt du nach deinem Geschmack ausbessern
    Angehängte Dateien Angehängte Dateien
    mfg robert
    Wer glaubt zu wissen, muß wissen, er glaubt.

  3. #3
    Erfahrener Benutzer Robotik Einstein
    Registriert seit
    hallo robert. er funktioniert 100%tig.
    ich bewundere dein talent. vielen dank. du bist ein sehr intelligenter mensch.
    sag mal. ich habe noch einen zusammengebauten test-asuro. den AVR habe ich nicht mit dem infrarot geladen sondern habe ihn immer mit dem bascom-programm geladen, er hat also nicht mehr im inneren die laderoutine. wenn du ihn haben möchtest, schenke ich dir diesen robby mit überspielkabel und ir-übertragungsgerät. schick mir deine addresse.
    er folgt dann sofort.
    mfg pebisoft

  4. #4
    Super-Moderator Robotik Visionär Avatar von PicNick
    Registriert seit
    Pebi, da bin ich jetzt überrascht. Ich find' das sehr lieb von dir, wirklich, ich kann das aber nicht annehmen, da tät ich mich was schämen.
    Es gibt so viele junge Talente ohne Geld, ich tät mich riesig freuen, wenn du einem solchen an meiner Stelle des Asuro geben würdest.
    Da wär doch wirklich was Feines, eine Förderung für jung-Computer-fuzzies. Was hälts du davon ?
    mfg robert
    Wer glaubt zu wissen, muß wissen, er glaubt.


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